11~Shapes in the Sky

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<Mike's POV>

"It actually worked.." I stated while walking to my bike with El. She was just as suprised as me. I guess my big yelling speech changed Hopper. He is over protective and needs to understand that I can take care of El just as much as him, even though i'm only 15.

The ride back to my place was calming...the stars in the sky were extra bright tonight. It was a full moon, too. But, before reaching my place, I stopped by a clear field. El and I got on my bike and I told her to close her eyes and hold my hand. She listened and reached out for me to grab her hand. Once I did, I pulled her along with me all the way to the center of the field.

"Tilt your head up.." I told her, still holding hands.

She tilted her head up towards the sky and then I said in a calm voice,


El opened her eyes and immediatly, came a huge smile on her face. The sky was full of billions of shining stars to light up the night. El, she looked amazed.

"Amazing.." she observed.

I got closer to El and pointed at one of the brightest stars.

"That one right there is Mars."

"Mars?" she asked. I forgot that El didn't know about the planets.

"Mars is a planet, like the one we live on..Earth..but Mars is not habitable for humans yet." I answered. El gave a smile and nodded.

We continued to stare into the beautiful sky. At one point, we made shapes out of the stars.

"That shape looks like a heart..." I started, "A heart with us in it."

El looked at me instead of the sky.

"I love you, El." I told her. Suprisingly, I didn't turn red this time.

She replied right away...

"I love you too, Mike. I always will.."

We used those stupid grins on our faces again.

..and for once, nothing could ruin our moment. Not the group, not the weather, not my parents...nothing.

I spoke too soon...

I started to breath really fast and heavily...a few seconds later, I collapsed onto the ground. El tried to get me back up while saying my name.

"Mike? MIke!? Mike!!! MIKE!?"

The world around me was spinning...El's voice was fading. What the hell is happening!? Is this what it feels like to die?...

El burst out crying.

"MIKE! Stay with me! I'm going to get h--"

Her voice faded away completely...

Then everything turned black.

I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now