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Oh my...Oh my...OH MY LORD. 2,000 READS. I'm crying guys it's so beautiful. ily all <3

So here is the chapter you've all been waiting for...(Well most of you) It's finally here and I managed to make time for this chapter even when I still have semester finals this week and next week! I'm so sorry for making you readers wait and here it is>>>>>


<Mike's POV>

Will was acting a bit strange today. Like he was paranoid or stressed...or weirded out from something.

Or someone!?

El and I were watching a movie in the basement. Ghostbusters to be exact. We cuddled on the couch and had I bowl of popcorn on both of our laps. El grabbed a handful and shoved it in her mouth. She LOVES popcorn...not as much as eggos though. I giggled as she tried to eat the handful all at once. A few slipped out of her mouth and onto my lap. I laughed even harder as El looked at me, embarrassed.

"Hey! Stop laughing! I love popcorn and you know that!" She tried so hard to keep a straight face while yelling at me but just ended up laughing along with mine.

"I'm sorry-" I said in between munching down the popcorn. "You just look so cute and funny when you eat popcorn!"

El grinned and she went back to watching Ghostbusters and being herself.

The Ghostbusters theme came on and I immediatly started to sing along with my foot tapping to the beat.

"When there's something strangeeeeee in your neighborhooodddd....WHO YOU GONNA CALL-"

El then bursted into the singing, "gHOSTBUSTERS!!!!!"

The tune kept going and we sung together the whole way through. We had both seen this movie about 5 times in the past year. So, we knew all of the lyrics. El actually did have a great singing voice. Mine...well no not the best.

My back was getting better the more I forgot about it. El being with me took that pain out of my mind. I could actually manage to walk and move around, but not run. I'm getting there though. Damn, that means I'm not ready to ride my bike again.

El's favorite part was about to come up and she immediatly put 100% of her attention onto the tiny television screen. The scene with Marshmallow man came on and El was so excited. This wasn't my favorite part, because I love all of the parts. I enjoyed seeing El being excited about something.

The movie eventually ended and by that time is was 5:00 pm. El had fallen asleep, and just held my arms around her, trying to fall asleep. But, something was stopping me from doing so. I heard footsteps make its way down the stairs. My head jerked to look at the shadow heading down. A figure was revealed when the footsteps reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, Mike. Can I....talk to you?"


I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now