3~Friends Don't Lie

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<Mike's POV>

Lucas, Dustin, and me all waited in my front yard for Will to arrive. Will is part of our party. He got stuck in a horrible place called the Upside Down a few years back. That's when I had met the love of my life. After meeting El for the fisrt time, I let her join the party. I had never been so happy. Lucas got jealous alot, though. Dustin always ruined our loving moments. But, I didn't care. As long as I was with El.

She risked her life to save my friends and I....

As the three of us waited, the smile on my face became a frown. Sadness was creeping right over me, as I remebered all of these horrible memories. Everything is okay now, though. I have El and my best friends. I wont let anything happen.

"You alright?" Dustin asked as he sat beside me. He looked concerned.

I was put back into reality, and my smile came back.

"Yeah, i'm fine. Everything is great."

Dustin didn't look convinced.

"No, something's wrong," he started. "You used to space out and look depressed a few years ago when El wasn't there."

Lucas sat beside Dusin and shook his head to agree.

"T-the memories came back again, first they were good...but then the horrible ones came." I confessed. My smile went away again.

Dustin and Lucas gave me a group hug and said both in sync,

"Everything is going to be okay."

"It's all over now. The past is long gone." Lucas added.

My smile grew huge and I hugged them both tight. I really did have the greatest friends in the whole entire world.

The hug still lasted about a minute later before a happy, but confused voice interupted us,

"Is this a cuddle party? Cause I wanna join!"

The questioned voice was Will.

Will came in and joined the hug. We all laughed and I remembered the saying that we would always say..."Friends don't lie."
It was a promise that we had made as a party to never lie to eachother...ever.

The hug stopped and things got back to normal. We all were ready to head into the basement for dungeons and dragons.

I was the last one to walk inside of my basement, but before I did, all I could think was to realize how blessed I was.

Friendship and love is all I need.

"Alright!!" Dustin shouted with excitement as I shut the basement door.

"Let's play!!"

I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now