Voting time!

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It's time to vote for what to call you readers!

My best friend (PersonLovesFanFics ) and I have thought up a bunch of names and I want you all to comment the name you think is best! Remember this is what YOU are going to be called by me so choose wisely!

Oh yeah some of these names are SUPER random and some are really silly!

"Hey ______"


-Squids (my favorite animal)


-Peyton Squids (suggested by one of the readers)

-Peyter Squids (my best friend thought of this one)



-Water droplets

-Droplets (I'm super obsessed with swimming it's my life so this is a cute one I thought of)











-tater tots







-Rain drops


-Petals (my personal favorite)






-Dream Petals

-Rose Petals





-music notes

-piano keys

-walkie talkies

-Dream blossoms

-Cosmic angels

-Glimmering blossoms

-Lightning bugs

-glowing fireflies


-sea foams

-Dramatic Dragonflies


-Darling daisies



That's a lot to choose from!

So there ya go comment which one you think is best!❤️

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