19~Third Wheel

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Hey! First of all, thank you for 900 views..almost there to 1k. But, I made a tiny change to the story. Not one that would change the story line at all, it's just a mistake i'm fixing. So, I said that the group was 14 now, but I made it two years after the snowball in which I think they were all 13 during that time. Two years later is actually 15. So just gonna clarify that they are 15, not 14, and i'm gonna go back and fix that. I love you all<3. Now, here's chapter 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!(It's a special pov this chapter)


<Will's POV>

"Will, wake up buddy. Breakfast time."

I opened my eyes and rubbed them while looking up to see my older brother, Jonathan. He smiled down at me and waited for me to respond.

"What'd you make this time?" I asked while pulling my blanket off of me and sitting up.

"Eggs, bacon, and a side of fruit!" Jonathan answered. He then came to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder. I laughed and playfully punched him while he brought me to the kitchen table.

"HEY!!! I'm not little anymore!!!" I concluded with another chuckle. Jonathan put me down into a chair and agreed.

"Yeah, you're not a light as you used to be."

In front of me was a plate of the exact food Jonathan said he made. I picked up my fork and started with eating the eggs. Although, I felt as if something was missing.

"Where's mom?"

Jonathan turned to me and replied,

"Her work called her in a bit earlier than usual."

I nodded and continued to eat.

After eating, I got changed out of my pajamas and into some casual clothing. Jonathan then asked me,

"I'm going to pick up Nancy and run some errands with her. Wanna come?"

I immediatly said yes, since it was better than being stuck in my house all day. We both got into the car and drove off to where Mike lives. Nancy and my brother have been dating for awhile now. They do almost everything together and it's actually really cute.

Once we reached Mike's house, Nancy came out of her front door and got in the front seat of the car. She noticed me and said,

"Will, if you want, you can go hang out woth Mike and Eleven. I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

I took up the offer and said goodbye as I walked into the front door. Mrs.Wheeler greeted me and Mr.Wheeler was sleeping on his recliner, as usual. There was two places Mike and El could be. The basement, or Mike's room. I'm just gonna asume the basement. So, I walked down to the basement only to find no sign of Mike or El. The only place left was the bedroom. I made my way up to Mike's room and found the door closed. But, I could tell that they were definitely in there because of their voices. I stood by the door and listened in on their conversation. It was mostly just Mike trying to flirt but failing.

I then knocked and told them, "Hey guys..it's Will. Jonathan dropped me off here while picking up Nancy."

After saying that, there was silence and then Mike finally said, "C-come in!"

I turned the knob and found Mike and El blushing like crazy. They were all cuddled up on Mike's bed....and he had his shirt off. I feel like I intruded on their moment.

"Uhm..I-i'm sorry for interupting this. I'll just be going now." I hurriedly tried to run away and leave, because I felt bad. But, Mike stopped me with words.

"N-no it's fine Will! We were just about to go play something anyways! You can join us!"

Mike struggled to get up because of his back, and Eleven helped him. We all went to the basement and we taught El to play a bit of dungeons and dragons. She still didn't really understand it though.

Watching that couple be together, was one of the sweetest things. They looked so happy with eachother and the way they stare at eachother is just like none other. I hope that i'll find that someday. I knew that being around Mike and Eleven made me the third wheel, but I didn'r really mind. As long as they were happy.

A few hours later, it was the afternoon and Jonathan was back to drop Nancy off and pick me up. Mike and El said bye to me and my brother drove off with me in the car.

"What do you say we find a place to go eat for lunch?" Jonathan asked me and I got excited, smiling.

"Yeah, that sounds great."

All of a sudden, a chill went down my back. Something about Mike has been bothering me all day. I just cant figure out what. He seemed...paranoid, or different. I need to talk to him when nobody is around. I need to find out what's been up with him lately, because I know that he knows. And wont say.

He's got a secret that I want him to share.

I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن