17~You're Awake

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<Mike's POV>




My eyes jolt open and all I see is a white room. Blank and boring. The sound of beeps could be heard and onlt that. Nothing else. Then I remembered what had happened. God....i'm going to kill that damn monster and I swear it.

I tried to sit up, but a bolt of pain went up my spine. How long have I been out? Did I have surgery? I'm sure I did because I could remember the doctor talking about it.

I looked down at my body. I was wrapped in so many bandages, and of course, I was wearing a hospital gown. I HATE those gowns. My groan could be heard through the door I guess, because a nurse came bursting in.

"Oh, hey. You're up. Do you want something to drink or try to eat?" She asked nicely. Nurses have always been nice. I replied with a scratchy voice, "Yes, please. How long have I been asleep?"

The nurse answered my question with a smile, "Only six hours since the surgery ended!"

I sighed with relief. Thank god I didn't go in a coma or something...because I did hit my head pretty hard as well on that rock. The nurse then left to go get me a food and drink. I waited patiently, but my whole body ached, alot.

How's that pain going for you?

I gasped. That stupid ass monster was back. I spoke quietly so nobody could hear me outside the hospital room.

"Fuck. You."

The Aacnaphae laughed in my head.

You telling me these things only makes it more fun! Ha....your next task will come soon...you need to recover first.

Tears of anger formed on my face. This thing seriously wants me to get hurt right again right after recovering! But, i'm doing it for El.

"You fucking ass-" Before I could finish my sentence, a rush of pain came back. Probably was meant on purpose, as a sign to stop cussing out the creature. Ha...Never.

It got out of my head and the nurse opened the door. I quickly brushed off my tears. She carried in a tray with a glass of water and a sandwich. I thanked her and started eating the sandwich. But, I didn't have an appetite after what just happened...and I dont think I will for awhile.

<A few hours later>

A really pretty girl came into my hospital room to visit me.

"Mike!" she said in tears of joy, running up to hug me carefully.

"El!" I kissed my girl on the forehead. Her expression made my heart flutter. I love her so much....

I stroked her curly hair while she sat down next to me on the hospital bed. The beds there were suprising really comfortable. El noticed my bandaged up body. Her smile turned into a frown.

"It's okay...these bandages just mean that I'm going to get better!" I reassured her and she smiled again. I love it when I know that I can make her smile.

Four more people came bursting into the room. Dustin, Lucas, Will, and Max. Dustin pushed through everyone and gave me a huge hug. It hurt, but I didn't care. "We heard what happened and were so worried about you." Will told me, giving me a hug next. Lucas and Max then both hugged me at the same time.

"I remember swinging on that rope all of the time! It never broke...so that's so weird that it just randomly snapped." Lucas stated with a confused look. I knew exactly why though.....but I cant tell them. I just cant.

"Y-yeah that is weird." I replied with a tiny stutter. Soon enough, everyone visited me and lastly, my parents plus Nancy came walking in and were relieved to see me alive. They took me out of the hospital and El came along to my house with me.

We both layed in my bed and stared at the ceiling. It was so silent, but a comfortable silence. "Mike?" El asked, turning her head to me. "Yeah?" I replied with a curious face.

"I-I keep having those same nightmares. Over and over again...every time I close my eyes." El started to cry a little. I wanted to move so bad and just cuddle with El and have her in my arms, but I could still barely move from that surgery. So, I managed to put my arm around her.

"Just...stay with me tonight. I'm gonna make these nightmares go away."

El sniffled, "Promise?"


That's when we both fell asleep. Nancy came in my room to flick off my light and take a secret picture. I woke up a few times in the night to make sure El was okay. She didn't seem to have any bad dreams in the night...maybe just being by her side was helping.

Please..let me be right.

I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now