5~The Nightmare

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<Eleven's POV>

My breathing was extremely heavy as I sat up fast from sleeping. The nightmare caused this...it felt so real. Mike...he was taken away from me and I couldn't do anything about it. Nothing..

Tears started to run down my cheeks. That nightmare had just scared me much more than it should have. I've had nightmares before...but why did this one scare me the most? I've definetly had much, much worse ones.

My bedroom door opened slowly and a soft, happy voice met my ears.

"Wakey, wakey. Eggos and bakey."

It was my dad, Hopper. He wasn't my real dad, but did adopt me a couple years ago. He's much better than my real papa. The best.

Hopper crept inside my room with a big smile on his face. But, that smile faded when he saw the tears on my face.

"What happened, sweets?" He rushed towards me and pulled me close to him, hugging me. I cried more..

"Another nightmare?" Hopper asked while he rocked me back and forth.

I nodded my head and we just stayed quiet while embracing.

I have a few sniffles and Hopper told me,

"Hey, everything is going to be okay. It's just a nightmare, and you know that it cant happen. I wont let anything take you away from me."

I looked up at my father, scared.

"No, it wasn't me this time....i-it was Mike." I stuttered with more tears running down my face.

Hopper still told me the same thing again,

"Even if it was Mike this time, I will protect you and Mike. Everyone. Don't worry, Jane."

Jane was the name I was given at birth. Mike still calls me El though. Everyone usually calls me Eleven or El, except for Hopper. He wanted my birth name to be the name used for things such as my adoption certificate, or a future driver's license. Not Eleven.

I nodded as a way of saying "Okay".

"Come on," Hopper guestured to the door. "I've got a giant plate of fresh, hot eggos waiting for us."

I wiped off my tears and smiled. We then both headed to the kitchen to enjoy my favorite thing in the whole world.

Well...second favorite thing.

Mike is first, and always will be.

I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now