Updates and stuff

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Okay, so about the smut thing. I have decided to put it in ONLY if I do a filler chapter ever for the story...but if I do it won't be very graphic.

Anyways thanks for giving me your opinions❤️

So I haven't really been active lately because I've got finals coming up soon. Sorry about that, but do not worry, I will still manage to write for you guys because I love you all!

I also am gonna start asking random questions before or after the chapters once in a while.

Here's one now:

Where are you all from? I'm from Nevada! I'd love to see if I have any readers from Australia or somewhere!

I'll also give random facts about me but not as much as questions.

Here's one:

Acting is something I am trying to do for a living.

Thanks for 1.4k views you guys are amazing and great and the best.


I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now