12~Obey, or else

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<Mike's POV>


Just breathe...

I open my eyes to see nothing but darkness.

Weird, white flakes floated all around me. What was this, a nightmare? Or...was this the afterlife?!

No...this place seemed familiar. Like it was described to me before. Wait...this is....


This is the Upside Down. Shit...

Hide, Mike you gotta hide. Right. Now.

I run as fast as I can towards the nearest hiding spot. I was in the field that El and I were at, but the opposite side. My house..I need to get to my basement. That's where I'll hide.

It took me five minutes of really fast running to reach my house. I open the rusty and slimey basement door, locking myself in. I crouch down in the fort that I had made for when I first met El. I still haven't taken it down. Not planning on it any time soon either.

I needed to stay here until I figure out how to get out of here....if I could just find my walki--

My thoughts went blank when I heard something coming. It made a horrible screeching noise...this was not the demogorgon though....but I knew exactly what it was.

The Aracnaphae.

It bursted into my basement, ruining the wall, but I didn't care. It wasn't my real home anyways.

"Stand back!" I screamed as I grabbed the nearest item...which was just a stick.

The creature was much bigger than I thought. I could never defeat this..

A voice suddenly came into my head. It's voice was extremely unpleasant and scratchy.

"You know why I brought you here?" The voice said. It sounded like the worst sound that could ever be made.

It continued to speak in my head, "This is your worst nightmare. You either obey me, or your precious girl gets hurt."

No....I cant let El get hurt..never.

"What do you want!?" I scream.

The monster was the one speaking to me in my head. I just know it.

It spoke more, "It's simple. I tell you what to do, and you obey."

I guess I had no choice. Protecting El is my first priority.


"Yesss, gooodd. Now, you'll be back in your world, and i'll give you orders soon...goodbye now, Mike..."

I blacked out again, and no longer saw that hideous creature. I just knew that the board with the Aracnaphae meant something...i just knew it. Now, my life is back at risk. El.....I cant let her get hurt by this problem.

I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now