I'm very very sorry

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I am so so so so so so so so sorry for not writing a chapter in 6 days...

I bet most of you really want chapter 20 and do not worry, it will come soon. I'm not sure when, but soon.

As I said in the last update, I have been busy with finals. I still am, even in my free time I dont have free time!!! It's either I'm doing chores, studying, being with my best friend (and i cant really write when i'm busy with her XD), or something that comes up. When I actually am doing nothing I get sleep because I am lack of it. But.........

Winter break is coming soon...

...and that means finals are over and I get plenty of time to write about Mike and Eleven!!!!!! (and maybe another book *cough-Fillie-* *Cough*)

I hope you all understand and I promise the adventure will continue soon!!! Friends don't lie<3

Sometimes, I also get into writer's block which isn't fun at all. I try not to though and try my best to make the best quality for you readers because I love you all.

Just a few more hundred views and this fanfic will hit 2 thousand!!!! I'm so excited! Legit you all probably wouldn't believe me but I literally had a mini celebration with a giant brownie at 1k XD.

Yes, i am crazy.

Hope you readers have a good night (or day)!!!!



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