15~Date gone Wrong

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<Mike's POV>

    I knocked on El's front door and she answered with a cheerful smile.

    "You have your swimsuit?" I asked, assuming that she knew what a swimsuit was.

     She nodded and stated,

   "Hopper bought me one this morning."

    I have never been swimming with El before. I was nervous...very nerovus. El in a swimsuit...oh god..OH.

    I started to stutter my words,

    "W-well w-we should ge-get going." I held out my hand for her to grab and we headed off to the lake nearby my house. This lake was one that I never really every went to. But, it's a great place to swim in the summer.

    We reached the lake and I told El to go behind a bush to change while I did the same. This was causing me to turn slightly red. I thought I could control that, dammit. I changed into my swimshorts and took off my shirt. El had never seen me with my shirt off. How would she even react?

   Once I was done, I waited for El by the start of the lake. I kicked my feet in the water. It was a cool temperature. Perfect. I could hear footsteps behind me as I hesitantly turned around. El looked so beautiful...

   Her swimsuit covered her stomach and mostly the upper part of her body. It was all a vibrant shade of yellow that really brought out her curly hair. El walked towards me nervously, but froze in her steps. She noticed me in only shorts and her mouth opened slightly. She then gave a warm smile, continuing to walk towards me.

   "Y-you look hot---UM I MEAN YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL.." I told her as she reached me. I fucked up...oh god what the hell is wrong with me!? I could see El's face turn a shade of pink.

   "And you look handsome." she replied back to me. El waited for me to make the next move..

   "Well, shall we?" I asked and took her hand. She nodded and we jumped into the lake, immediatly getting soaked. El knew how to swim, which was a relief. She splashed me and I splashed her back.

   "SPLASH WARS!!!" I screamed, but right after getting splashed in the face with the water. Some got up my nose, but I didn't mind.

    We both continued to hit the water back and forth at eachother. Our laughs could probably be heard from a mile away. I started to swim closer to El, chasing her. She tried to swim away, but I caught her and trapped her in my arms, embracing El into a tight hug. The lake wasn't that deep in the area we were in, so I didn't need to worry about floating when holding El.

   "HAH, I got you!!!!!! You're mine now!!" I screamed as El laughed really hard and she looked up at me. That's when I realized how close our faces were. So, I came closer and our lips pressed together, becoming a warm and really, really great kiss.

   We stopped and I pulled El to the shore with me. We sat down for awhile, admiring the view of the glimmering water. Looking around, I saw a rope attached to a tree branch. The rope did look stable to swing on. I pointed at it and El smiled, already making her way over to the rope. El's hair was no longer curly, but really straight and wet. She still looked pretty though.....really pretty.

   While being spaced out, a familiar voice came into my head.

   "It's me......." a raspy voice came. Oh no...NO..not during my damn date! The Aracnaphae continued to speak,

   "I've got an order for you. Remember, you obey or your lover gets hurt."

   I held back tears from forming in my eyes. "Fine. What." I said, seeing that El had almost made it to the rope.

   "You swing second on that rope." the monster ordered. That was all? I could do that, so simple.

   "Heh, okay that's not even bad. Piece of cake." I answered and the monster got out of my head. I reached the rope and El was excited.

   "Can I go second?" she asked me. My face froze up. Crap, no, she couldn't.

   "How about you be the special person to try it first? You'd be the queen of the rope swing." I persuaded her to go first. She finally agreed.

   El grabbed the rope tight with both hands, and pulled back. She then got a head start to run and then wrapped her legs around the rope as it swung her over the lake. She let go and her body fell into the water. El rised to up the surface after a few seconds. Her smile warmed me.

  "That was awesome." She yelled from the lake. Seeing her excited made me feel determined. Confident...

   The rope swung back to me and I held onto it, doing the same thing El did. Once my body held onto the rope and it was in the air, I was about to let go until it happened. It snapped. The lake wasn't deep enough for where I landed. I ended up falling close to shore and hitting my body on a large rock.

  "MIKE!!!!" El screamed, swimming rapidly towards me. I grunted and couldn't move. My whole body ached. That damn monster wanted this to happen. But, at least it wasn't El in my postion.

   El reached me and seeing the sight of me caused tears to run down her cheeks. Blood was leaking out from my back and I was covered in bruises and cuts. The rock I landed on sure got me badly. El interwined her fingers with mine. She was sobbing hard. I tried to calm her down.

   "El...shhhh...it's-okay..I---didn't die." I struggled to speak. The pain was so bad. I had to force myslef to sit up. Thank god I didn't break anything, but I sure as hell could have.

   El's eyes widened as she saw my back. It had been practically cut open. A huge cut ran down my back, some parts revealing the bones of my spine. I definitely was gonna need surgery.

   "Please, El...i'm okay. Stop crying...everything is going to be alright. I just need to go to the hospital." I reassured my girlfriend as she was struggling to speak and was scared.

   "O-o-ok-ay...I-i-i w-will g-et-tt a-a wr-a--p." She stuttered so bad. It almost killed my heart to see her like this.

   That damn monster.....

   While I waited for El to get something to wrap my back with, I realized something horrible. When I get hurt or something bad happens to me, El becomes weak. Her weakness is me. The aracnaphae wants me to get hurt, so El gets weak. This is all coming together. The monster knows that if El is distracted, he can make a move. This whole time...thinking it's after me AND El.

   It knows her weakness...

  My breathing started to get fast and heavy. Heart pounding.

  It's coming for El.

   ...and i'm the bait.

I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now