Chapter 6

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Rick's POV

This cannot be happening! How the heck did he get those pictures?!? May texted her brother to pick us up, but we decided to stay after school to talk about what happened.

The class's laughing is hurting my ears. I look over at May who isn't even looking at the board any more. I try to keep from crying, but so far FAILING. I eventually give up and put my face in between my arms.


Derek pokes me from behind, "Dood, what is up with those picture?" I quickly wipe the tears from my face and turn around. "How do you think I know? I didn't even know that he had the pictures! I mean you're in there too you know!" I was yelling, but no body heard me because of their laughter.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant it as a WHY DOES HE HAVE THOSE FLIPPING PICTURES!!!" I shrug my shoulders, but the class heard him this time. "Well Derek." Mr. Larson begins."I believe these pictures are here because I found them. Now, don't you feel better that there are no more secrets between you guys and the class?" I don't know if I want to smack, punch, or kick him right now.

Thank God the bell rang. May runs like there's no tomorrow into the cafeteria. I soon do the same. "Oh My God! This is BAD!" May yells! "Hoe can this get any worse!"

I'm not sure what to say so I just sky next to her. We wait for Sarah to come.

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