Chapter 10

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May's POV

The Dean called us down, but why? I don't remember doing anything bad. As we are walking down the hallway, the thought hits me. She knows what happened.

It's not like it's the end of the world, but it would be nice if she didn't. "Dood, are you okay?" I guess I had a look of terror on my face. "Yeah, Sarah, I'm fine."

We turn the door walk into the Dean's section. She has a look of pity on her face, this can't be good. "Have a seat." she says. "I have some bad news to share with you guys. I don't really know how to say this, but." she paused and has to wipe tears from her face. "You're parents are dead."

(A/N) Oh how I wanted to end there.

'My parents are dead.' that thought kept on repeating for 2 minutes. I started to feel dizzy, so I grabbed my head. Sarah is in tears, and is being comforted by Ricky. Who is also in tears. I look over at Derek, who is probably still in shock, and has his head in his knees.

I start to feel tears go down my face, and I wipe then immediately. Not here, not now. "You guys may go when you're ready." The Dean said as she walked out of the room.

I was the first to leave. I walk at first, but then I run. I don't know where to, but I just run. I hear footsteps behind me, but I'm too upset to care. My tears are blurring my vision, and I trip on what appears to be my shoe lace. I sit up against the wall and sob.

(A/N) Sorry, but I'm ending it here.

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