Chapter 35

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Adam's POV

We took Jason to see 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' (that's an AWESOME movie by the way ;] ). There are no spoilers about the movie in this chapter so yeah). We were about maybe a quarter of the way through we say a _____ about to ________ by _____. Then there was a follow up story about one of the characters saying that __________. (This was created for no spoilers. Fill in the Blanks. Sort of what teachers do in note packets. And then the lines get too small for your handwriting cause they want you write two sentences on one line and yeah. I'll stop rambling and get back to the story).

I saw Jason leave the theater, well run out of the theater one might say. I let out a sigh. I guess that it was loud, because Ty and Ian turn their heads. "Dood, where's Jason?" Ty whispers, because we are in the movie theater. "Just ran out." I say as we all get up and leave. We start searching for Jason in the entrance way. You know, the place where they have some claw games and food and drank. With no sight of him, we decide to look in the bathroom.

"Jason, you in here?" Ian semi yelled, but there was no answer. We checked under the stalls and find Jason's sneakers. It worried me cause there was dead silence. "Jason!" I say knocking on the door. "Jason this isn't funny! At least say hi or something!" still no answer. Ian tries the door, and it was locked. Ty goes into the other stall and gasps, tears filling his eyes. "What is it?" Ian had a worried expression on his face.

Ty climbed into the stall Jason was in and unlocked the door. What we see, was a K.O Jason, with water on his face, unknowing if he was breathing. I ran over to him and put him on the floor. I manage to find a faint pulse on his wrist. "Ian go get someone tell them what happened and say that we called an ambulance. Ty you call that ambulance!" Ian ran out the bathroom and Ty quickly dialed his phone. "Jason stay alive. Be stay alive." I whisper to my self while trying to get him air.

Tyler's POV

I've been sitting on this chair for five minutes waiting for them to say something. I decided to knock them out of their traces. "HEY SWEET CHEEKS! YOU GONNA WAKE UP OR DO I HAVE TO SLAP YOU WITH A SPONGE!" I yell at the top of my lungs. They all jump out of their seats, literally, and I start laughing. "Not cool man. Not cool!" Jerome yells still catching his breath.

"Anyway what do you guys think?" again there was no words. For two minutes. Ugh, these guys can be annoying with their no talking ways. "I like it." thank you Jordan for opening your mouth. "Same." Mitch and Jerome say in an unison. I do a mini victory dance, they like one of my ideas!

"Okay so I was think we start tomorrow." I say very happily.

"Maybe two days from now cause we have to-" Mitch was cut off by his cell phone ringing. "Excuse me for a second." he says while leaving. "It's been a second!" Jordan yells. Mitch fake smiles and leaves the room. We sit there, because we wanted the four of our inputs.

Mitch came running in the room. "Jason's in the hospital. We have to leave now!"

(A/N) Please don't hurt me.

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