56. STEVE: Catch Me

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Words: 6.5K

Warnings: Blood, language

"I thought you said you'd been here before?!"

The door you yank open only leads to a closet, causing Steve Rogers to yell that previous statement at you. Gunfire and shouting in indistinguishable languages can be heard upstairs.

"I did!" you shout back—just as flustered as he is angry right now.

Steve hears something coming from down the hall. He shoves you in one direction and you stumble in the way he pushes you. "How long ago?!"

You cringe as the truth comes out. "When they did the experiments on me..."

"WHEN YOU WERE FIVE?!" Steve nearly screams. You've never seen him this mad before. Part of you is proud the intensity is directed at you instead of anyone else, but the flushed cheeks and bulging vein on his forehead are enough to startle you into feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry, okay!?"

You're out of breath as Sam and Nat meet up with you at the end of one of the halls. They've both come from separate directions looking for a way out. The Hydra base is larger than you remember and much more complicated.

"You should've mentioned that when I asked you to lead this mission!" Steve grabs you by the elbow to keep you close to him as he runs faster. You're slower than he is, your powers not helping you physically like his do, and grunt as his legs kick faster.

"I was just trying to be helpful!" you pant. You tug him to a halt. "Here! Let's try here." You don't wait for him or the other two to say anything before you try another door. When you open this one you're met with another hall. This one has a dozen Hydra agents in it.

"Way to fucking go, dumbass," Sam grunts behind you. He slides down his goggles as the first bullets start to fly.

None of the ammunition makes it past you, though. You've thrown up a force field just in time for the bullets to pepper the invisible wall and bounce back at the shooters. The bodies all drop dead to the ground in less than thirty seconds. The gunfire is gone and you dissipate the field.

"See?" you breathe heavily with the recent run and stress. "I can be helpful."

Steve grits his teeth—taking you by the elbow again. Nat and Sam lead the way this time out into the main hall. The lights and sirens blare like they've been since the first agent spotted Sam five minutes ago.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't lied about knowing this place," Steve scolds you while he drags you beside him.

"I didn't lie!"

"You didn't tell the whole truth," Nat hollers back over your shoulder.

"Not helping, Natty!" you holler to your red headed cousin that rescued you from Hydra and brought you to the team in the first place. "What happened to family first?"

"That was before you fucked us on this mission," she grumbles. She and Sam stop in front of two separate doors while Steve keeps his hold on you.

"A window!" Sam can be heard hollering from the next office over.

Steve, who still has you, runs into the room. Nat follows. Sure enough: there's a glass paned window looking down below. The only problem? Well, it's at least fifteen stories down to the ground—over 150 feet—where there's nothing but jagged rock and tumbleweed. Not even Steve could survive that fall. The most a normal person could maybe make it out alive would be 50 feet, and on a good day with a soft landing spot Steve can handle 70. This is not a good day.

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