Chapter 52

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After I composed myself and stopped crying, Emilio and I decided to go back downstairs. I didn't want to see anyone else but I didn't want to suddenly be MIA from a party that was my idea to throw. I would just avoid Marcus, and probably Lucas as well. My mind was still running wild and the room was still spinning slightly around me. I didn't know what to do or what to think.

We walked downstairs and Emilio told me he would be back, and he was going to find Ivan. I nodded and searched around for Alissa. I couldn't see her from where I was standing so I sat on the stairs and texted her, deciding it's easier than trying to walk around searching for her. 

After waiting a while I decided to make my way to the kitchen to get some water. As I was walking, I saw Emilio walking very quickly. I turned to look at him and saw that he was going straight to where Marcus was standing and talking to Lucas. He walked up to him and punched him in the face, screaming something I couldn't understand. My jaw dropped and I found myself stuck where I was standing, just like I was frozen a few minutes ago.

Darius and Cyrus were trying to pull Marcus and Emilio away from each other as they tried to hit each other. I eventually found myself running over to them and screaming at them both to stop. Suddenly, they both stopped, staring at me, faces still red but looking slightly apologetic.

"What the fuck guys!" I exclaimed. I didn't even know what to say anymore. I let out a sigh and turned around, going back upstairs and going into my room, shutting and locking the door and sitting down on the bed, not knowing what to do or think anymore.

This was supposed to be a nice house warming party, and now it's crashed down to complete and utter rubble. I kicked off my shoes and lied down on the bed, letting out yet another big sigh. Why does stuff like this happen? Why did Marcus have to do that? Things could be so much easier and things always start to go well and then something happens.

There was a knock on the door and I stayed silent, not wanting to talk to Emilio or Marcus right now.

"Bella, it's Ivan, can I come in?" he asked. I sighed and stood up, walking to the door and unlocking it, happy I hadn't yet taken off my makeup and put my pajamas on. He gave me a weak half smile and walked in, and I shut the door behind him.

"What happened?" he asked me.
"I don't really wanna talk about it, Ivanito. Just, something happened with Marcus and Emilio got mad, hence the fight," I explained simply, not wanting to go into too much detail right now. He would find out eventually anyway because Emilio would tell him.
"Oh, well I figured you could use some company," he shrugged.
"Thanks Ivan, it's okay though, go enjoy the party," I smiled, nudging him with my body slightly.
"I don't want you to be in here alone," he answered.
"I'll be fine," I smiled.

I appreciated what Ivan was doing, and knowing that he cared enough to comfort me as well as his twin brother was a good feeling.

The door opened and I turned to see Emilio, someone I didn't really want to see at the moment.
"Ivan?" he asked.
"Yeah bro?" Ivan asked. Emilio still looked angry as he stood in the doorway.
"You trying to have sex with her again too?" he asked. My jaw dropped and I looked at Ivan, who's face fell instantly.

"Emilio that was uncalled for," I said. Ivan was speechless.
"Well it seems like everyone just tries to have sex with my girlfriend and sometimes succeeds," Emilio shrugged.
"Emilio we've talked about this," I said simply.

Ivan stood up and walked out of the room, mouthing to me that he was sorry as he left.

"Should I be worried that you're alone with him?" he asked.
"Obviously not, Emi, are you crazy?" I asked.
"Maybe I am!" he yelled.
"Do not yell at me," I said calmly. my hand on the doorknob, ready to close it and tell him to leave me alone for the night and to go cool off. 

He lifted his hand up to put behind his neck and I flinched.
"Bella..." he said, lifting his eyebrow. I didn't say anything.
"I wasn't going to hit you, is that what you thought?" he asked.
"No, I, I don't know," I mumbled. He stared at me, his previously hard and cold face softening int one of concern.

"I just want to go to bed Emi, I'll see you tomorrow," I said. He simply nodded and I closed the door, locking it.

I just wanted to sleep this night away.


Woop woop an update! Thank you guys again for so much love on this story!! You guys are incredible

Let me know what you think of this chapter!! Love reading your comments


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