Chapter 1

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Hey guys. I just thought of this story randomly while I was writing and I was like hey let write it on wattpad. Im not the best writer but ill try to improbe it as time goes by. I would appreciate if you guys would comment and tell me what you think without being mean. If you have a problem with bwwm books. Then don't be a bitch and comment on that. Just dont read the book but if you don't mind them. Then you are welcome to join the party crazy ones. 😁😁😙😍 Now let the story begin.

Honestly I based this story in England. I don't know one thing about that country but help me if something wrong. It's all fiction places and people all in my mind. Bear with me.

Wylder's POV

"Thanks Ma,that's enough." Mama stops putting more food on my plate, trying to make me get fat of pride.

"Oh I'm sorry Wylder,I'm just so proud of you . Finally you got your dream of being a junior partner. My Wylder BEAR becoming a big shot lawyer." She says, ruffling my dark brown hair with a smile.

After she skews my square shaped eyeglasses. She stops and I fix my eyeglasses, glaring at her slightly. Dad looks up from his newspaper, "Wylder I'm proud of you even if I wanted you to work for my multimillion company." I laugh, rolling my eyes while eating my spaghetti.

"I'm proud of myself, my life is going perfectly. I have a loving girlfriend and a great job and family. Life is marvy." Mama sighs at the 'loving girlfriend' part.

"Honey, I don't feel comfortable with Hannah going on business trips with her boss. People get quite cosy when they travel together honey."

My mama is quite a lady, always worrying about me half of the time. I don't know what her deal is about Hannah. I met Hannah at a party that our law firm hosted for a charity. She is surprisingly my boss's daughter. I expected Carl to be angry at me and Hannah dating but he was quite supportive.

Except he is a dick of a boss, he is always on my tail. Trying to look for one fuck up from me, his determination to get me fired is quite draining and impressing.

"Mama, Hannah is not that bad. I know her boss, Steve. He is not such a bad guy, quite kind."

Dad pats mama's arm to stop her from continuing her hurtful words. I won't lie, I've had my fair share of girls before meeting Hannah, my best mates even came up with the dumbass nickname called 'Mr. Magnet' for me.

Dave is the one who came up with the dumbass nickname. I guess my player ways disappeared when I met Hannah. She is perfect in my eyes with long light blond hair and dark brown eyes that almost look black. Her perfect petite body that I absolutely love with all my heart. I know I sound like a love sick puppy but Hannah did that to me. Just thinking about her while I eat, is making me smile like an idiot.

Finally finishing my food, I grab my long coat. "Mama, where's Leslie and Tamara?" Dad rolls his eyes.

"Tamara is at CeCe's house for a Barbie filled night and Leslie is with her shithead of a boyfriend."

I chuckle while putting on my coat. "Well mama and dad, I have to leave now. I need to go to Hannah's apartment and visit her. She is back from her trip in Dubai." Hugging my mama and slapping my dad's back.

Exiting the house, I see a cab that the security at the gate must have called to take me to Hannah's.

I enter the vehicle and I greet the cab driver. Leaning back against the seat, just thinking about Hannah. I'm even thinking about proposing to her. We have been dating for a year now which is the longest I've been with a girl. Shocker right.

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