Chapter 40

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I'm in the tv room with Rosie, fuming with anger at the current situation. This Hannah chick is really testing my temper at this moment. She just disappeared out of RueRue's life like vape, after all this time she finally decides to see him when she finds it fit. I swear if Wylder goes soft on her, I'll go hard on him like an AK-47.

Rosie decides to give me tea, "Calm down Zenande, you look like you can obliterate someone with a glare." Ocean is seated next to me, watching the cartoons playing in front of him like a zombie. Clueless of the situation at hand. His hair is longer now, covering his eyebrows. I need to cut his bangs again. I see him as my own child now, so Hannah is really pissing me off.

Rain and Amahle are busy crawling around the carpet like tortoises. Looking at my 3 babies, I realise that I don't want to leave them as yet. I can't imagine a childhood without my mama, so I don't want my kids to have a childhood without me in the picture.

I have been feeling sick for a while, that is how I ended up going to the doctor. I was shook when I discovered that I had cancer, it kinda scared me because my grandfather died of it and also my great grandmother died of it. It is a family disease that has been affecting generations and generations on my mom's side.

I never thought I'd ever have it but I guess it doesn't really matter, it just chooses it's victim. I am scared about it, leukemia is no joke. What kind of surgery can I do to stop it from spreading throughout my body? It is already surrounding every inch of my body. I let a little snort as I sip my tea.

I can tell that Rosie thinks I'm still furious about Hannah. "Dont be angry at Mr. Lombardi for that crazy woman. I didn't expect anyone to come, I was highly confused when I saw her at the front door. She didn't even wait for me to tell her to go away, she let herself in." Of course Hannah wouldn't give Rosie a second glance, that bitch.

"If Wylder knows what is good for him, he will solve the issue. I know he did nothing wrong but you know how soft my husband is. He is too forgiving, that is why I was tough on him. I can't deal with Hannah right now, I have other worries that are bigger then Hannah's games." I put my hand gently over Rosie's hand, assuring her.

I can tell she wants to ask me what is going on, I decide to tell her because she has the right to know about my sickness. "Rosie, please don't be dramatic." I beg her and her eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.

"I have leukemia, Rosie. I'm sick, that is why I cannot deal with that bitch right now. She is just causing stress for me." I see Rosie's face slowly morph into horror at the news, her hand covers her mouth.

"You must be joking Zenande..." I shake my head. I know this sounds wrong but Rosie's reaction makes me want to laugh. She is in disbelief, if her eyes could just pop out her head. A small smile creeps on my face as I struggle to hold back my laugh. I can see her face becoming confused with my expression.

"Are you sure you sick Zenande? Sick people don't laugh about their illness." I just burst into laughter at that and for some reason, she laughs too. "I'm sorry, it is just that your reaction killed me." I admit, trying to sober up from my laugh.

"But I am serious though, I am sick. I just thought that you deserve to know about it. You are like family to me, but I'm fine though." She becomes serious, squeezing my hand with assurance. "I'm here for you Zenande and I'm happy you trust me enough to tell me. You have no idea how much it means to me." She pulls me into a tight hug and I return it with a smile.

"I know that Rosie, you had to deal with me since the first time you met me in the kitchen." She giggles like a little girl and pulls back, "I knew you were the one for Mr. Lombardi from that moment. I've never seen him so smitten for someone before. I'm really glad he met you." Before I could answer her, I hear the doorbell ring.

Before I could get up, Rosie beats me to it with lightening speed. I swear she never let's me do anything. That is why I like giving her days off because she enjoys over working like Wylder. I'm surrounded by over workers daily.

I check my Whatsapp messages from my South African friends and family, just to see what's going on. "Hello Zenande." My heart stops at the voice that greets me calmly. I look up quickly to make sure I am not crazy.

What the hell is Wylder's mother doing here?

I get off the couch in shock, she looks at me for a while. "Hi?" I know this woman hates me with a loathing passion. Is she planning to kill me in my house? Ok I'm being dramatic but would you blame me.

"I'm sorry to show up at your house without announcing my visit." She looks down at the twins and smiles at them. "I want to talk to you actually." I point at myself dramatically in a manner that says me.

You know sometimes being black is so annoying because you are naturally dramatic. She furrows her eyebrows in confusion at my reaction.  "Sorry, I was just shocked. You may sit." She carefully sits on the couch while looking at me confused. "You want any to drink or eat." She shakes her head quickly so I decide to sit down.

"What's the problem?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of my politeness. She sighs, "I know you and I started off on the wrong foot but I honestly didn't think my son would get married to another race. It is still weird for me. But I hate that I don't get to see my grandkids and Wylder has been quite distant from us. He hasn't paid attention to the business. Do you know what's wrong with him?" I feel my ears heat up as realisation sinks in that he didn't tell his parents about me being sick.

I am slightly annoyed about that but maybe he has his own reasons for not telling them. "He didn't tell you."

"Tell me what? He was suppose to be in work today but I saw his father going to the business instead. It is very unlike Wylder, he is always putting the business as his number one priority. Do you know what happened?" He really didn't mention anything to his parents, this is so weird.

I don't know if I feel comfortable telling his mother about my sickness but I decide to do it since well I feel like doing it. "Well the reason Wylder has been MIA for a bit is because of me." I see her face trying to figure out what I mean but I slowly see her face morph into annoyance. "Why?"

I sigh, placing my forehead on the palm of my hand. "It is because I am sick Mrs. Lombardi. I am sick with leukemia." I instantly rush out with a frown, the tension in the room is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

She doesn't say anything and I start to feel awkward, I finally look up at her. There is clear shock on her face as she let's the news sink in. "How long have you known?" I shrug, not really counting.

"I would say a month or so. Wylder is just a bit stressed by the sudden change of things. But I promise I will force him back tomorrow." I honestly didn't feel like discussing my sickness right now.

But no, this woman doesn't get the memo. "I still don't like you, never will I ever accept you as my daughter in law. I hate you, maybe you disappearing from the surface of the earth will serve our family good." She gets up from the couch, "Good day and good luck." She leaves the room, leaving me with my mouth open in disbelief.

Did she really just say I deserve to die?


I let her words sink in and a small laugh escapes my mouth, I can't believe this. This woman is the devil's spawn. She just said that Shit in front of my kids.

Maybe you disappearing from the surface of the earth will serve our family good.

I can't believe my own mother in law said that to me. Rosie enters the room and finds me laughing hysterically with tears coming out.

I can't believe this, how can Wylder be related to that racist woman? It actually hurts to know my own mother in law doesn't like me to the point that she doesn't mind if I die of leukemia.

I must look like a mad woman because the next thing I know, Rosie is blocking me from exiting the house to beat the shit out of Wylder's mom. Cancer is not a nice thing and she said that. Finally calming down, I lean against the wall. I wipe the tears from my face, this just tore my heart.

No one has the right to say someone deserves to die a slow painful death.

No one.

I must really love Wylder to deal with this woman and Hannah.


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