Chapter 37

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"How was the wedding?" I ask Zenande immediately as she comes in the house. "Oh there is no 'hi love'. How are you baby?" She says dramatically, the driver brings in her luggage. He laughs at her response to me. "Anyway, the wedding was beautiful. It felt so good to go a South African wedding, you know. When my South African siblings get married, I'm bringing you along."

I get up and I pull her into a hug, "Mm nice. Anyway I don't care about you. I care about the little one in your stomach." I get down on my knees, her belly has grown these past months. It was all over the news that Zenande was pregnant, my mom is not fond of her but she is quite happy about having another grandchild.

I rub her belly, "It is 7 months you know." I nod my head, "So she will be a January baby, just like her mom." She rolls her eyes but with happiness. She looks around the room and she frowns.

"Haibo Wylder where is my RueRue?" As soon as she says that Ocean comes running into the room. "Oh my word, you have grown so much and I've only been gone for 2 weeks." Zenande exclaims, nearly bursting into tears.

She has been so emotional for these past months that I feel like I'm living a telenovela. I look at Ocean and he is a bit taller now, being only 16 months old. The more he grows, the more he reminds me of myself as a baby. He is quite cute with his curly hair, the Lombardi curls.

She has a nice conversation with Ocean, sometimes I feel like I'm third wheeled by my son and fiancee. It makes me happy that even if Zenande is not his birth mother, they truly love each other. Life makes so much of sense now, I feel like I'm finally living for a reason. They are my reason to live and the same one to leave this world.

Rosie come into the kitchen, "Oh Ocean here you are." She looks tired from trying to catch up with him. "He doesn't want to eat, when he heard your voice Ms. Potter, he went mad." Zenande laughs, ruffling his hair. She looks down at him and says something to in isiZulu. He nods and walks towards Rosie, they finally disappear from the kitchen.

"The fact he understands your mother tongue babe so well, kills me. He will probably speak the most broken English ever." She shakes her head with a smile. "Never babe, look at how I turned out."

She wraps her arms around my neck, "I missed you by the way." She whispers seductively in my ear. Another thing about Zenande's pregnancy is the sex, she can get quite wild in bed. Pregnancy makes her really horny, like unnaturally horny. But hey, I'm not complaining at all.

"And I can show just how much I missed you." My eyes widen, thinking about making love with her hard. "Why are we still discussing? We can just make a descriptive scene right now." I pick her up bridal style with no sweat. I really don't mind her being pregnant at all.


"Sorry about breaking your hand." I wave her off without a care in the world as I hold little baby Amahle Oceania Lombardi, a beautiful baby girl with curly black, pale ass skin, her mom's nose and lips. I feel my heart squeeze at how much I feel for this little person. I didn't think Zenande would allow me to give her the second Oceania but she did.

There in her hands, is little baby Rain Mandla Lombardi. She gave birth to twins, I don't blame her squeezing my hand till she broke it. It still hurts though but my happiness is making my pain numb. I never thought I would have 3 kids at the age of 29.

When Hannah came out of rehab, I never heard from her. She never came back to Ocean's life ever again. That makes me sad because he does deserve to know his mom. It seems he loves Zenande more then Hannah though. "Babe, can I confess some thing to you?"

She doesn't even look up from Rain, "Yes.." She says in a tired manner. "When I met you that day in the parent's meeting. You were a bet." I am scared of her reaction but she looks up from the baby. I analyse her face but she looks too tired to show any emotions. "Why am I not surprised?" She let's out a little laugh. After that laugh, a smile slowly spreads on my face.

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