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Dear Sthandwa Sami (My Love),

You know how much I hate writing, that's why I became a maths teacher instead of a language teacher. But for some reason, I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I won't be around forever.

I do not know where to even start with this letter Wylder. I met you in the most fucked up way, you were disgusting and pervy but cute. You left quite an imprint on me, the first time I met you. I knew who you were, I just didn't want to boost your already existing ego. But slowly I got to understand you, you were normal. There was nothing special about you but for some reason, I wanted to get to know this playboy. Well wasn't that the greatest mistake of my life?

My first love was the center of my life, I think you knew how much I adored him. When I lost him, I thought I would not find anyone that would interest me. I was depressed, lonely, confused and I couldn't deal with it. I was drowning in my own sorrow, I had to leave South Africa, it was too much for me. In England, I slowly started rebuilding myself... I found friends that helped me through everything but I was just so stuck in the past... then you came into my life through a stupid bet. Who knew it would change both of our lives drastically?

The first date we went on together was the most useless but funny thing we have ever done. We didn't even finish the dinner but we both got served if you know what I mean (#I'm being naughty). We should have seen then that there was something between us because of how attached we became with each other.

"Seriously babe, attached? I think now you are exaggerating just a wee bit." I pause from reading the letter that Zenande just gave me. She punches my arm, looking quite annoyed with me and swearing me in isiZulu. "Stop calling me an asshole in Zulu. It's not right, the kids may hear that and repeat it, well besides Amahle since she is a mute." That earns me a hard slap on the back of my head.

"I swear Wylder Lombardi on your Grandmother's grave I will fucking kill you if you don't damn finish that letter before I take it away from you DICKFACE." I grumpily rub the back of my head since she has quite a hand.. ask the kids they'll tell you about all the beatings they've got from Zenande and her mother.

I enjoy pissing her off every single Saturday morning so I just push it a bit. "Dickface, oh wow. No wonder you like sucking my face so much."

"Oh my goodness, I'm married to a freaking child. I don't have time Wylder and take this seriously." 

"Okay, okay... let me be serious." I continue reading it out loud.

Every single little moment we shared with each other always made me smile and feel better. You made me become myself again, you brought me back to the real world. I know you don't see it as anything special since we were just spending time with each other but to me, those memories are forever imprinted in my mind. I never thought I would ever fall in love again but Wylder, I fell in love with you before you realised that you loved me too. I just did not want to seem like the forward one since you were still a slight asshole (like as if that's any different from your current self). 

That part makes me laugh so hard, so she still views me as an asshole even in her death bed. This girl knows me too much. I gain composure again after laughing to read the letter,

I just love how you asshole never did a proper proposal for me even after you claimed your 'feelings' for me. It is fine though, people do not need to know that our proposal was fake because let's be honest with ourselves, that proposal was real from the start. (Even though you slept with that bitch who is nameless and is probably a dumbass just like her inner hoe). But you made up for that with the wedding, I really appreciate that you did it back at my hometown in South Africa. That meant a lot to me and my South African family and friends, especially my mom. I thought she would never approve of me being with a white guy but for some odd reason, she took a big liking towards you. (maybe it is cause of you being a billionaire)

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