Chapter 25

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"Hannah is here." Florence says with an annoyed expression, she never liked Hannah. "I don't know if I should let her in cause she came with her baby." I haven't told Florence about the baby being mine.

I still want to discuss something with her before the world knows that I have a child. "Let her in. I'm the one who called her." She gasps with surprise at my reply. "You called her here? Why?" I get up, pushing her out of the room.

"I promise I will explain everything later." She huffs out with disappointment but doesn't question me any further.

Three minutes later, I see Hannah walking in with the baby looking cute. She looks tired, like very tired. I don't know if I should hug her but I decide to do it. The more I see her, the more my old feelings try to arise but then my mind just thinks of Zenande, she is enough for me.

"Hey Hannah." She let's go off me. "Hello Wylder. You look good and normal." Since today is the day before Christmas, I decided to dress casually for once. I chuckle at her compliment, "I would love to take the credit but Zena chose the outfit today." I see Hannah's face crumble a bit when I mention Zenande's name.

"Oh, she has good taste. How did you too meet anyway?" I smile at the memory, "Parent's meeting."

My attention averts to Ocean, I can't help but smile. This is my baby, not anyone else's but mine. I'm an actual father.

The only person who knows about Ocean is Zenande, she didn't react in a bad way. In fact she wanted to know how I felt about it. She supported my decision of talking to Hannah. Even though Zenande and I have not discussed it yet, I can tell our engagement is becoming real. I don't think we are faking our feelings for each other anymore. We genuinely care for each other and she is slowly becoming my life.

It is hard for me to move past Hannah since she helped me when Marcus and his child died. She brought me back to life and in the end, she took it away from me again. She was the first person I have ever loved, she will always have a place in my heart but Zenande and Ocean have most of it now.

I take Ocean, I hold him close to me as his fingers go into my hair, pulling it. Ocean looks like me except his hair hair is light brown mixed blonde because of Hannah's blonde hair. "How you doing son? You good?" I whisper to him and he smiles at me with gums.

"Come let's take a seat." We both sit on the couch, I place Ocean on my lap as he plays with my wallet.

"Ok so what caused you to call me here?" Hannah stares at me for a while. Just looking at her face, all of the memories of how I met her replayed in my mind. I won't lie, I still really care for Hannah more then I admit to myself. And I think Zenande can sense that.

"I am really angry at you for not telling me that Ocean is my child even when you found out that he is not Steve's child. It hurts me to discover that I have lost solid five months, almost six now with him. But Zenande said that I should first hear your side of the story before I come up with a decision that will hurt Ocean and you." I sigh, running my fingers through Ocean's hair.

"And I take her opinion seriously since she thinks more rationally then me. So exactly what caused you to not tell me?" Her eyes look watery as her mouth opens. But no words comes out, just sobbing sound. Being a good person, I immediately scoot closer to her, hugging her tightly.

"Hey, don't cry. Calm down ok. We just need to discuss this as adults, we are not arguing ok." Why do I still feel sad when she cries? She sniffles a bit before taking a breath.

"Well Steve and I were fine, but he was a bit of an asshole. When the child was born, he saw immediately that it wasn't his. He reacted really bad to it, he left me and the baby. But I was scared that you wouldn't accept the baby and you wouldn't trust me.... especially after that night I broke your heart." I feel myself getting sad, tears in my eyes.

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