Chapter 16

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Dancing, staring at the sky. Enjoying the loud music playing all around me, I was happy.

Minho has got me a ticket to see Above And Beyond, I can't believe I am seeing them live. Minho was a dj that produced progressive and deep house. He was signed under Anjunadeep and he got a free pass.

Minho smiles at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder like a chilled brother he is. He always seems to spoil me.

After the concert that Minho and I attended, we decide to go to McDonald's early in the morning to eat.

Minho and I were sitting by the window aisle, staring at the sky as the sun slowly rises. I haven't seen Wylder for quite sometime, he hasn't contacted me at all. Which is quite odd since he is always on my case.

Plus I don't want to look needy by following him around like a psycho girlfriend, so I gave him his distance. Minho can tell something is bothering me but he hasn't said anything at all.

I bite into my burger, "I thought this would cheer you up but you still seem down. Is it Wylder?" 

"I'm not down." He scoffs at me while taking another huge bite of his big Mac. "Youre too quiet, you have a loud mouth."

"Hey! I'm not that loud. Nigga busy be calling me a loud mouth. Anyway it's just that I have not talked to him for a while. It kinda feels weird. Like I'm so use to talking to him that I feel like something is wrong."

Minho looks out the window for a bit before speaking, "I think you should go to him and talk to him. Whatever is going through your mind, let him know. I think you like him, that's why you so confused because you never liked anyone since Mandla." I sigh a bit, knowing that catching serious feelings for Wylder will cause problems.

I know he is not looking for a serious relationship but I feel like maybe he might like me as much as I like him. I think I should talk to him.

"Hey Rosie." Rosie smiles at me before offering me coffee. "That would be lovely, thank you. Is Wylder here?"

"His office." She replies, heading to the kitchen.

"Thanks Rosie." I walk into his office without knocking, I find him and another man who looks like a way older version of Wylder.

Shocked, I trip on flat ground, falling head first. "Ouch! That's hurt."

I hear Wylder getting up while laughing at my embarrassing moment. "Oh my goodness, Zena. Are you fine?" I sit up, glaring at him he offers me his hand and I take it. "I'm fine, just dealing with the slam against the head asshole."

He rolls his eyes as he rubs the back of my head. "Sorry for laughing but that looked hilarious." He wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"By the way Zenande, I would like you to meet my grandfather, Mr. Xavier Lombardi." My eyes widen a bit but I compose myself as I walk towards him. He looks intimidating but a warm smile appears on his face, making me feel better.

"So you must be the lovely Zenande Potter that I hear so much about from my grandson." I blink multiple of times to make sure I heard him right. Wylder talks about me to his grandpa.

Finally I get back to my senses, "Oh hello, Mr. Lombardi." I shake his hand, "Just call me Xavier." I chuckle, "Ok Xavier."

Wylder makes me sit down on the couch before looking at me for a long time. Some thing is wrong, I can tell by the way that Wylder is looking at me.

"You came right on time." I furrow my eyebrows with confusion, "On time? On time for what?" Xavier clears his throat before starting.

"Well Zenande Potter, I would like you to be my grandson's wife. Just for a while, nothing drastic. You see there is a deal we need to close with this man called Mr. Galileo. He won't become partners with us unless if Wylder has a stable relationship in his life." I sigh.

"Stable relationship?" I ask with a frown. "Yes as in a female companion. I am sure you know about his scandals except the one that nearly escaped about him leaving the club with another female a few nights back." I feel my heart sink to the ground as I realised that Wydler slept with someone else.

It took everything in my power not to react to the news. "Oh." I calmly say more to myself but loud enough for them to hear. I glance at Wylder but he can't look me in the eye. He should not feel guilty, it is not like as if we are dating or anything. But why do I feel so betrayed by him.

"So I stopped the news before it got out and before my son found out. So I need you to help me to help him to get the deal. If honestly, you don't want to I understand-"

"I will do it." This caught them both by surprise, "You will?"

I sigh, "I don't have anything to live for cause the love of my life died, so I don't see why I can't help him." Wylder stares at me with an indescribable expression.

"You shouldn't say that. You have a lot to live for."

"Wylder please don't, I will do it. Of course, I'm not doing it for free but I don't need a lot of compensation." I get up slowly, needing to clear my mind. "Now I'm going to drink coffee that Rosie made." I walk out the room before they say anything.

I go into the kitchen, Rosie is carrying the tray with my coffee. "It is fine Rosie. I'll drink my coffee here."

She stares at me with a questioning look but doesn't say anything. "Thank you, you know I can make you food someday Rosie."

"Are you fine? You look abit distressed." I chuckle more to myself. "Let's just life is funny." She doesn't say anything more.

The moment I realise that I actually like Wylder, I discover that he slept with another person. I drink my coffee slowly as I am deep in thought. I hear the front door close and I feel Wylder's presence behind. Not wanting to show him that I am actually hurt by him, I fake a generous smile.

"So I guess I'll become famous now hey." I say, sipping my coffee. "There will be a lot of bad publicity from people and my family about us."

"It's cause I'm black right?" I ask in an annoyed tone. He sighs, meaning that I am right.

"You not the kind of girl my mom would like me to end up with honestly. But I don't care, I find you fit for the role and I can't imagine someone else who knows me better then you."

"Then why?"

"I'm sorry, I was drunk." He apologizes about his fornication with the other girl but I have no right to be angry.

"It is fine, it is not like as if we are in a serious relationship anyway. We have been pretending so what's the difference." A look of hurt crosses his face but he quickly replaces it with a straight expression.

"I guess so, I will publicly announce our engagement at the annual winter ball. I guess we need to be seen more in public now. Without stopping people from posting pictures of us." I nod, you can feel the tension between us but I decide to get up and leave the room.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." He stops me and looks at me for a while. "I am sorry though, I feel bad." I raise my finger to his lips, "Shush. Don't apologize at all please. We are both adults and we both have needs. And I know you are only getting engaged to me to go against your father since you two have complications. I'm not angry, we have been using each other all this time so no difference." I say, grabbing my bag, walking out the penthouse.

Immediately as I enter the elevator, tears spill from my eyes. The first guy I actually have genuine feels for after the death of the love of my life, doesn't even like me at all even after all the times we have been together. The late night conversations, the laughter, the sex, everything.

When I pass the doorman, I give him a small smile even though my eyes are clearly red and puffy. I quickly enter my car before crying out loud. My life keeps on getting more shitty.


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