Chapter 19

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I get up quickly, feeling my heart beat fast. When was the last time I saw Hannah...

Oh yes, when she broke my heart. Honestly I'm still heartbroken from the whole dilemma but I won't show her now at all.

"Hannah, so weird to see you here." I say, hugging her decently without over doing it by hugging her for a longer time. Damn I missed her blueberry and strawberry scent. I let go of her as her gaze follows Zena.

I let my attention fall on the little baby. "What's his name?" I ask, staring into his light brown eyes as a smile breaks on his face.

"His name is Ocean. My love for him is as deep as the ocean." She smiles at the baby while brushing his curly hair away from his forehead. "Can I hold him?" She doesn't wait a second as she hands me Ocean.

I hold him close, "Hey mate, you good hey. You quite a looker." I tickle him a little and he starts giggling. "How old is he?"

She smiles proudly at him, "Almost 5 months, I heard you have a girlfriend." I glance at Hannah and I turn my head to find Zenande staring at us strangely. "Yes, uhm babe please come here." Zena gets up, walking towards us. "Yeah Wyld?"

This is so awkward.

"This is Hannah honey. Hannah, this is Zenande Potter, my fiancee." When the word fiancee leaves my lips, I see Hannah look so surprised about it. "Wow! Really?" She blinks multiple of times, like as if she is trying to process it.

"Wow. Well I guess congratulations then is due to be said." Zena smiles widely like as if it is the best thing in the world. I wrap my arm around her shoulder while holding Ocean in the other arm.

"Thank you. I know it has only been a few months but honestly, I feel like I know him more then I know myself." She admits which is actually true. I shrug, "I can't even deny it at all. She can handle my crazy moments and my annoying ass."

"Don't forget arrogant, self absorbed, narcissistic, you name it." She adds, counting on her fingers.

"Oh really? Sounds rich coming from you Ms. Infinity Drama." I roll my eyes at her.

"That's why you love me." I try to find something to say back at her but I give up. "Yeah she is right."

Hannah looks between us for a bit before extending her hand to Zena. Zenande being Zenande, she takes her hand fully. Shaking it with a lot of energy. "Great to meet you Hannah, I heard a lot about you. And look at this cute little fellow over here shame. He is such a cutie pie." Zena pinches Ocean's cheeks while making funny and goofy faces at him.

Ocean laughs out loud at her expressions. He waves his arms at her so she can take him, "You want me to take you? You want me to take you huh? Come here you chubby little thing." She takes him and I can tell on Hannah's face that she is not comfortable with that. But she doesn't say anything.

"Nice to meet you too, Zenande." I put my hands in my pockets, looking between Zenande and Hannah. Zenande takes the baby and goes to sit with him at our table. "So your parents are fine with her?" I shrug, "Whether they like her or hate her is none of their business. I love her and that is all I see. How about you and Steve?"

Her gaze falls away from me, "Well Steve and I didn't work out." I frown a bit, "Really? What about the baby?" Her facial expression turns sour. "It is a bit complicated when it comes to the baby."

I put my hand on her shoulder, "What's wrong? Is he not helping you out at all? I can help you, you know." Even though she has broken my heart before, I can't help but feel angry for her. "Well Ocean's full name is Ocean Rue... Lombardi."

You know that moment when time freezes, the only sounds you hear are your heartbeat and the rush of your blood through your veins. All this time.

All this TIME! She knew that Ocean isn't Steve's child but she didn't have the audacity of coming up and telling me that Ocean is in fact my baby. I don't know how to react. I can't even hear her call me. I run my fingers through my curly hair.

"No way. He is a Lombardi?" All of a sudden, all the anger I have stored inside of me seems to be seeping out.

"You mad woman. It's almost 5 months now and you didn't tell me about the baby. No this has to be a stunt. This is bullshit." My voice increases a bit, catching a few people's attention. I clear my throat and I lower it again.

"I don't know what kind of fucking game you trying to play here Hannah but fuck you."

"Look I know I made a huge mistake with the way I did things but I really do still love you Wylder. I know you are just with her cause you are trying to get over me. But we can be together again." I hate that she is right about that.

"You don't know shit Hannah and bring a baby into your fucked up lies is the most shittiest thing you've ever done. Zenande baby, let's go please." I turn to Zena and she grumbles. "Oh come on, the ice cream isn't here yet and I'm still enjoying quality time with Mr. Cute here."

"Zenande I'm not playing." She faces me, judging by her expression I must look really angry. She gets up immediately and comes to me with Ocean. I look at him for a while, not wanting to accept that he may be my child after all.

"Give her Ocean." She gives Hannah the baby and I grab Zenande's hand, pulling her away from Hannah. "I don't want to talk to you or see your lying face ever again." I look at Ocean again for some time and I can't deny the similarities between him and I. But at the same time I can't accept it just yet. I need to digest the information and discuss it with my family.

I pull myself and Zena away from the ice cream shop, leaving a crying Hannah. I know right now, I must look like a lunatic, dragging Zenande out of the mall with me. "Wylder you hurting me." Distantly, I hear Zena say next to me but at the same time, I can't process it. Everything at this moment, is too much for me to take in. My emotions are all over the place.

Hannah always leaves me in distressed turmoil. Why do I let her get to me? The bodyguards have already opened the Rolls Royce door. We enter the car and the door closes. I let go off Zenande's hand. The car fills up with intense silence.

I put my face between my legs calming myself down. I sit up normal again for a while. "Ahhhhhhhh!" I let out a scream, punching the head of the front seat. "Fuuuuuck!" I kick the seat, not caring about the chauffeur right now. I need to let it all out, I don't care that Zenande is next to me.

I still care for Hannah so much that it hurts, but at the same time I can't stand her.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Bitch! Fuuuuuck!" I did that for a while, letting out all of my anger through violence. When I feel like I have released everything. I run my hands down my face.

"I'm sorry Zenande for my reaction. She just gets to me... every single fucking time. I try to be civil. I TRY! But she... She tests me every time." I look up at Zenande to see her staring at me with fear. I look at her hand to see a bruise forming.

"Oh my goodness. Bloody hell, I didn't mean to hurt you like-" I try grabbing her hand but she pulls it away quickly with a look of anger and fear. "Don't you ever touch like that ever again. I mean it!" Her eyes still looking wild at me. I sit back against the seat, taking in deep breaths.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to have such a tight grip honestly and I will never touch you like that ever again Zenande." I chuckle slightly, "I just didn't expect to see her after such a long time, and what she told me has got me shook." I just need to go and lie down for a bit.

Zenande looks at me and decides to stare out of the window without saying another word. Probably in shock of what just occurred. I don't blame her either

Life is getting more interesting then usual...


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