Chapter 38

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Knowing Zenande, I know that if I show worry towards her all the time, it would defeat her. So the very next day, on our last day of our honeymoon, I planned a surprise for her.

"You kidding me right?" She furrows her eyebrows at me, I shake my head. "No I'm not. I called them up and we are going skydiving today." She looks at me for a while before bursting into a fits of laughter. I can't help the slightly annoyed look on my face, I love skydiving.

"You do know that I'm black right?" I roll my eyes, "No Zena, I have colour blindness when it comes to people's complexion." I sarcastically say to her and she tries to sober up from at her laugh. "I'm sorry, I just hate heights but you know what let's do it." I look at her with surprise.

"You coming?" She nods and gets up from the bed. "Let me just have a shower and everything then we can plumage to our death." She dramatically says from the bathroom as she closes the door. "That was so dramatic babe!" I hear her laugh before the water turns on.

I decide to fix the bed and everything. I didn't sleep last night. I just couldn't go to sleep after finding out about Zenande's illness. Why is life so unfair? I know I'm not suppose to be over thinking about it but what would anyone do when the love of their life is terminally ill?

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I have to calm down, I can't show her that I'm worried right now. She doesn't need that. Damn, I can't imagine what is going through her mind about this. She must be so worried also, I can't be selfish and make her worry about me.

I've known 2 people with blood cancer in my life, sadly they all didn't survive. I have the money to get her the best medical treatment for cancer, I'll try all means to get her better. Ocean, Rain and Amahle still need their mother in their lives. Her family still needs her. Fuck I just had her and now this pops up. Is this what my life will be like forever?

Whenever I find happiness, it will be taken away from me instantly. I feel my heart sink deeper to the ground as I think more about my life without Zenande in it. I can feel my mood slowly dampen as I imagine seeing Zenande in pain and there is nothing I can do about it till the end. Just thinking about that breaks my heart.

I would do anything in the world to take away Zenande's pain and make it mine. If only things worked like that. I chuckle to myself, getting annoyed with how much I'm stressing.

I finally hear Zenande come out the shower, naked. "Oh wow, look at that fine piece of ass." I say to her as she walks into the bedroom. "Did you really just say that?" She asks, amusement dancing in her eyes.

I go behind her and I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close to me. I inhale her beautiful scent, biting her neck. I hear her breathing increase a bit. The fact that I still have that effect on her makes me smile. "Yes I did." I whisper seductively in her ear.

She turns around, pressing her naked body against my clothed one. "You know you make it hard for me sometimes." She says, staring into my eyes. "You know I love you right?" I ask her, meaning her condition. She looks down a bit but her eyes slowly rise to meet mine.

I put my hand on her hips, "Yes I do Wylder. I know that." I put my forehead against hers, closing my eyes. Wanting this moment to last forever, not wanting to think that these little moments we always have are not going to last any longer. She pulls me into a hug, we stay like that for a long time. "I'll always be there for you." I whisper in her hair, inhaling the scent.

When we finally reach home, we enter into the mansion. I find Katherine, Minho, their child, Kennedy and our kids watching tv. When our kids see us, they go crazy a bit. Zenande goes to Ocean and picks him up, "Hello RueRue."

"Hi Mama." Ocean kisses her cheek and hugs her. I can't help but let out a little cry at that. They still need her. I see Minho and Katherine turning to look at me. I didn't realise tears are falling freely from my eyes. "Ah sorry." I say to them before going to wash my face in the bathroom.

When I come back, I go to Rain and Amahle. I pick them both up and stare at them, they look so much like Zenande. But Amahle looks more like her mother while Rain has more of my resemblance like Ocean. "How's daddy's twins?" They just smile and laugh like how they always do.

"You good ha? I know you are, daddy's twins." I look at Minho and Katherine. "Thanks for taking care of them." Minho gets up with Kennedy, "No worries, you're family now." I put my kids down and I head to the kitchen, I hear Minho follow me.

I hear the door close, "Are you fine?" Minho asks with more seriousness, Minho and I have grown exceptionally close. I see him like a brother now.

"Yeah I am." I pour a glass of water. "Mate I know when you  are lying to me." I sigh, putting down the glass full of water. "Did you know?" Minho furrows his eyebrows, staring at me confused.

"About Zenande." He seems to be thinking about it when suddenly realisation hits his face. I can't keep my incredulous laugh in, it comes out so loudly. "You did. Ok, How many people knew?" He sighs and I feel my heart drop to the ground.

"Why am I the last to know?" I frown at him. "Zenande didn't want to worry you before the wedding Wylder. Do you blame her?" I keep quiet, refusing to be ok with this. "How long has she known?"

"For about a month or less."

"Really? That long and she didn't want to tell me at all." I say more to myself, "Is she that scared I will take the news badly?" He nods a bit. "Right now Ashley doesn't need you busy interrogating her about keeping this away from you for so long. What she needs now is the support of her loving husband and kids as she goes through this. I've been through this with my biological mom, she had cancer. Luckily she survived, so just please be there for my baby sis-" Before he could finish the sentence, Minho break down into tears. I never seen him like this before.

"Hey Minho it will be fine, look we will get through this. Right now she doesn't need us busy breaking down every second. And plus you look ugly as hell crying." Minho stops crying and glares at me for a while. Slowly we both start laughing at my lame attempt to make us feel better. "Now wash your face and let's go join our lovely partners and kids."

We finally head to the family room and we see the girls sitting on the floor with the kids, busy talking and laughing. "You know Ocean made me lose weight, he walks a lot." Katherine says with a smile. "He is my RueRue. What about the twins?" Katherine dramatically places the back of her hand on her forehead. "Oh my goodness, you see Ama. She cries like a giant ass." Zenande chokes back a laugh.

"Katherine, did you just say my baby girl cries like a giant ass?" She nods at Zenande. These 2 are funny friends, I wonder how Katherine is dealing with Zenande being sick. I can tell how much she loves Zenande like a sister, she must be devastated.

"I think we should go now." Minho says and Katherine gets up from the carpet. She walks towards me and hugs me, "Take care of her please." She whispers and let's go off me. She does a small smile and takes Kennedy from Zenande. "Well bye guys."

We bid farewell to each other and they finally leave. "Ocean really needs to get sleeping pills, he is so energetic." Zenande complains, stretching herself for a while. "I can't believe Katherine just said that Amahle cries like a giant ass." Zenande bursts into laughter, I don't blame her.

It is so funny. "On a more serious note, we need to go to the doctor to hear what's going on with you." I remind her, taking Amahle from the carpet. I love how she has the same black eyes as her mom, even their smiles are the same. She grabs my hair and pulls it. "Hey ouch. Yay, you stop it." I scold her jokingly and she giggles at me.

"Of course, I will go to the doctor and hear the solutions with you babe. We will just go to dad." I look at her with a frown, "Are you sure? I mean he won't be fine with it, you are his daughter and he won't handle the facts. How about we go to someone who is not close to you. They won't get emotional. I already have someone in mind babe." I say to her and she nods in a quiet way.

"Sure babe, I'm actually quite tired. I'm going to rest." She gets up and kisses my cheek. She disappears upstairs, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I hope tomorrow things look up. I still deserve to make her happy. I deserve to make her happy!


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