Chapter 35

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"Mama." Ocean says to Zenande, she laughs at him. She feeds him his disgusting food that he seems to be really enjoying and she turns to me, "Ocean is such a late talker, I thought something was wrong cause he would always laugh like an idiot."

I type on my laptop, rolling my eyes at her. "Actually when I look at you, I realise where he got the idiot part from." I place my hand on my heart.

"Oh bloody hell babe, that's a low blow. But you fell in love with this idiot." She giggles causing her dimple to show. I love that weird dimple so much, it makes her so cute. "Goodness, you though. I really wonder what made me fall for you."

I smile, kissing her cheek. "So anyway, my friends are coming today to properly meet you." So far Zena really likes Cory and Rudd. Which is quite good for me cause I spend a lot of time with my friends. It is important that she gets along with them and I don't want to choose between them and her.

"Oh nice, I miss Rudolph already. You know that if you mess up, I'll go for Rudolph." Even though I know she is joking about that, I still feel a slight pinch of jealousy. What's so great about Rudd anyway? He is just some weird white guy who would be a perfect comedian only.

Now I'm jealous of my own friend, "I'm just kidding Wylder. You don't need to feel worried. I would never go for your friend, that's just shitty." She finally finished feeding Ocean and places the bowl in the sink. She walks and stands behind me, wrapping her arms around me tightly. "I love you too much to replace you." She whispers in my ear and I feel my heart beat slightly faster.

I put my arms over hers, "I also do. I love you too much to fuck up anything with you. You mean too much to me. I don't care if my mom has a problem with you, I would honestly choose you over her."

I pull her to my lap fast before she can realise what I just did. She gasps with surprise and shock, "You are acting barbaric in front of my beloved RueRue." I lower my voice as I have my lips on her neck. "Cause you make me wild."

She let's out a snort at the comment, "That is so cheesy and stupid you know that right?" I turn her face and pecks her lips quickly. "And you love that!"

"Maybe just a bit, just a little." She admits before kissing me back with a little bit more force. "Mm Zena, not in front of the baby. He can't learn the ways of whoring around just yet." I say in between the kiss. She smiles against my lips and kisses me again with more love then force. Is it weird that the loving kiss is the one that gets me horny?

My hand grabs her hip, squeezing her a bit and she wraps her arms around my neck. "I can't believe you just said that about RueRue." She jumps off me quickly and goes to him. "I think he stinks, let me go give him a bath." I smile at how great Zenande is with my child. Actually it makes more sense if I say our child.

She says something to him in isiZulu and I shake my head. She picks him up and walks toward the bathroom. I swear Ocean will learn how to speak isiZulu before English, she always speaks to him in it. Yet I find it cute and sexy that she is doing that.

I start looking through venues for our wedding, I know Zenande is into spring themed wedding. So I know for sure, I don't want to get married here in Europe. Maybe somewhere exotic like Africa or South America. I smile a bit, imagining the rest of my life with her and Ocean in it.

While I am scrolling on my laptop, I hear a knock on the door. I know my friends are coming in the evening, so who could that be? I gave Rosie a week off since Zenande is here for a while. It can't be Rosie. The person knocks again a little bit harder and I instantly get up from my chair. Great I was not expecting anyone at all.

I open the door to find my mom standing there. I can't hide the shock on my face, I haven't seen her for a while. "Mama?" She looks at me for a while before hugging me. "Not the way I wanted you to greet me son." I hug her back after some time.

"Hi mom." She let's go off me, "Can I come in?" I move out of the way so she can walk in. I close the door, thinking to myself 'What does she want?'. She heads into the kitchen and I follow her quietly. "Where is Ocean?" I lean against the doorway with my arms folded.

"Zenande is giving him a bath. She said he is stinky." She frowns but nods. "Exactly, why are you with her?" I sigh, moving from the doorway towards my mom. "Why do you hate her so much?"

"She is not worth your love Wylder. You can honestly get any girl you want but you go for some random girl, who is not even from here." I run my fingers through my hair before talking, "Mama, you know in the end of the day I'm going be with her and I love her so much. She is my life." My mom snorts at that statement, looking annoyed.

"She is not even up to your standard and she is not what I wanted for you!" I can't do this, "She is perfect for me and what do you want for me. A white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes who comes from a very famous family. She is so pretty and hot and everything. Mom, you and I have 2 different perspectives for the woman for me."

"You know how I always stressed on the fact that it is better to stick with your own kind."

"FOR WHAT PURPOSE?" I didn't mean to shout at her but my mom can do that to me sometimes. I hate how she dislikes Zenande because I really value my mom's opinion. If dad could get over it then why can't she?

"You see what she is doing to you. You are becoming disrespectful-"

"No I'm not mom. Why can't you just accept the fact that I love this girl and that I'm happy? She makes me happy again. Isn't that enough for you?" Mom's eyes soften abit but she keeps a stern frown.

"You can't pull that card on me Wylder. You know I understand your pain when it comes to Beth and Marcus, you can not say this.. this black girl is the one for you." I shake my head, feeling tired with this conversation.

"I never pinned you for the racist kind. Did you really come all the way to ask about my black fiancee?" I see her giving up with the conversation but she shakes her head. "I have not heard from Hannah for a long while now? It is May now and she is still not around her child. Ocean is spending too much time with that girl. He needs his mom."

"Or you mean his Caucasian kind. Mama I'm the one who came up with the conclusion that Ocean needs to stay away from Hannah." If looks could kill I would be underground by now.

"Why? You can't come up with such a drastic decision without us." My mom will be the death of me, "Mom, Hannah was on drugs. She wasn't taking her depression pills and she was taking a whole load of drugs. Ocean could not be around that and you know that more then anybody. I did what is best for my son and what is best for my son is Zenande. You must deal with that."

The shock on mom's face clearly shows as she processes the information. "What? How come I don't know about this." I sigh a bit.

"Mom I told dad, I thought you knew." She frowns even further but I can see the defeat on her face. "I'm sorry. Do you want tea? I'll make for you."

"Where is Rosie?" I take out the cups from the cupboards. "I gave her a week off because Zena is here." Mom laughs a bit but shakes her head. "Trust me, I don't want to be in the same apartment with that girl. I will never ever find her to be good enough for you. I'm quite disappointed at you."

"Well mom, trust me when I say I'm quite disappointed in your behavior." Mom stares at me for a while with a questioning look. She walks away quickly to the door and slams the door shut. "Jesus. This woman drives me crazy." I mutter to myself, trying to understand why mom hates Zenande.

After a while, Zenande comes back without Ocean. "He needed the bath cause man, he is dead asleep on the bed." She looks at the cups, "Planning to make tea?" I shake my head but I laugh.

"Nah my mom was here, she was trying to find everything wrong with you. I swear that woman is crazy as hell." Zenande nods, "Your mom is crazy, I like her though." I laugh at how crazy Zenande is. Only she would say that to me. "Well that's why you will fit in well with the family."

She wraps her arms around me, "Well don't you want to join me in the shower for a long hot steamy wash?" I get up from the chair and I walk ahead of her. "Why are you still asking?" I say to her and she giggles at that with a beautiful smile. I stop so that she can reach me, "I really care for you Zenande." I admit to her and she grabs my hand.

"I know boy, now let's get wild in the shower." I pull her close to me.

This girl is my life.


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