Chapter 28

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"Are you accustomed to archery son?" I frown at the question, "No sir, I'm not." He stares at me for a while as we enter into a place that seems to be an archery arena or something. "Mm interesting." He quietly mutters more to himself.

I am still traumatized about the car ride to this archery place. Just imagine a grown man singing to Taylor Swift's songs like a teenager.  No wonder Zenande is so weird sometimes, her father is weird as well.

We go to this man who is short and fat. I think he is the owner of this place, "Ah Jimmy, thank you for opening for me today. We will be out soon ok." Jimmy looks at me up and down before answering, "Anything for you Doctor. You saved my daughter's life." Should I be worried?

He takes me to a room where there is a bow and arrow placed neatly on a chair. And at the far end of the room is a target with a large picture of my face on it. My throat goes dry for a while as I take in the image in front of me.

Yeah, I should be worried.

Dr. Potter gets himself prepared with the archery accessories like a professional. "You know son, the night my daughter called me and said she was seeing someone... I was quite happy." Suddenly he says with a quiet tone, "I was worried my baby girl would never get married after what happened to her poor boyfriend. I loved that guy a lot, he was perfect for my daughter. You could tell that they really loved each other, it was written in their eyes. When they got into a car accident on the 1st of January, I was devastated cause they were coming to see me. I called them over." You could hear the dread in his voice.

"I felt very guilty but I'm a man of God and I believe everything happens for a reason. But she never looked at another man and even moved away from South Africa permanently. So imagine my shock when I discover that she is with someone. I was excited, very excited until I discovered it was you." I swallow a large lump at the way he enunciates you.

He laughs while talking, "I just couldn't believe it, my beautiful daughter is dating a Casanova. I didn't believe it until I started seeing your pictures all over the internet, newspapers and magazines. I just couldn't handle it. Then when she told me that she is engaged to you, I lost it. I came here early in the morning with a large picture of you for that cologne of yours, The Wyld. I aimed my arrow perfectly like this."

He slowly takes the arrow and bow off the chair, he places the arrow on the bow with such intensity in his eye. I would always imagine someone who is good at archery to be wearing dark clothes and not being a hippie looking person. "Then I imagined you sitting next to my daughter, sleeping next to her and having sex with her.... I just... imagined everything wrong about you and..." He pulls the string and aims the arrow, narrowing his one eye.

He let's go off the arrow and I see the arrow soar across the room. It lands perfectly on the middle of my forehead on the target. Thank goodness that is not my real head. My jaw drops open at his precision and accuracy.

"So you see son, if I see my daughter cry, if I see her being treated badly, if I see anyone giving her bad attitude because she is with you or anything else... You see that Wylder over there with the arrow in his head, that will be you. Clear?" He asks, putting down the bow and arrow and taking off his archery accessories.

"Y-yes sir." I stutter a bit as I realise that this man can kill me. What did I get myself into? I clear my throat, gaining confidence to ask him something.

"Sir?" I gain his attention, "I know I'm not the ideal man you wanted for your daughter. I know I'm a bag full of dipshit and honestly, I'm not worthy of her. But sir, your daughter has made me sane again, I felt lost before her. I didn't know who I was and what I wanted in life. She is a special person with a great heart." He looks at me for a while and I continue.

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