Chapter 43

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Florence's POV

I knock gently on the door and I hear a dry 'come in' from Wylder. I slowly open the door to find him sitting near by the window, away from Zenande who is still in a coma for the past 2 months. The room she is in is cheerful since there are teddy bears and balloons everywhere, for when she wakes up from her coma.

Wylder looks pale and hasn't shaven since the day of the accident, he hasn't been home for a while now. In the beginning, he use to come to work and see his kids but as the weeks went by, you can see him physically losing hope.

I don't blame him, 2 months waiting for someone to wake up from a coma is draining. He looks at me with a sad look, "Hey Florence."

"Hi I brought you food." I say to him and he smiles weakly, "Thanks a lot. I haven't moved since I sat on this chair." I sigh, walking closer to him. "You need to go outside. You look like death." He chuckles dryly before glancing at Zenande.

"Yeah I need to just take a walk." He gets up abruptly and leaves me in the room alone with Zenande. I sigh in defeat, putting the food on his chair for when he comes back. I slowly walk towards Zenande.

It is so weird to see her in this state, I'm so use to her being lively and energetic. This is not the Zenande that I know and I've grown to love. I sit next to her bed, holding her hand and it is so cold.

"Hey Zenande. It's Florence again, just came to see you. Wylder just left for a walk but he will be back, he just needed a break from you. This has been taking a toll on him, actually on everyone." I take a deep breath before continuing.

"Please come back, we still need you. Your kids still need you, you can't just leave your husband like that. He can't go through this again. You have no idea how much you have impacted on his life. He was slowly losing himself in stupid things that brought him no joy. You brought him back to reality, he was fixed again. You have no idea how important you are." It is so hard to say this without crying.

Zenande has become one of my good friends, she is basically family to me. It is not easy seeing her like this and Wylder is being swallowed into a void of hopelessness and depression. I thought he was broken when he lost his brother and nephew but he is more broken and lost with Zenande being in a coma. If she dies, he will reach his breaking point. He will never be the same again.

"I can't give Wylder the letter you wrote for him if you ever died sooner then you thought. I don't want to see him lose himself, I don't want your kids to grow up motherless. You need to be there for when Ocean gets his first girlfriend, or yours kids dances. You need to be around when they get married. You still need to experience the joy of being a grandmother. You still need all of that.

I honestly don't know if you can hear me but if you are....Please fight... Please fight. We all need you back, you have no idea." I sigh, getting up from my seat. I place my hand gently on her arm before heading out the room.

When I exit her room, I see Wylder sitting on the chair against the wall. His eyes are bloodshot, showing that he was crying. I walk over to him and I sit next to him. "Don't lose faith Wylder. By the way, I didn't want to tell you about who caused the accident for a while." He looks at me with shock at my revelation.

"What?" He asks, confused. "I've known for 2 weeks now but I feel like you might be ready for it. It's not who you think it is." I can tell he is holding his breath, waiting to hear the mysterious person who might take away his wife's life.

"Michael and Sam took time to tell me because they didn't know how you would react. But the person who nearly killed Zenande is Hannah's father." I see him move his head back slightly with confusion.

"Hannah's dad? But why?" He doesn't even seem hurt, he is more confused. "I don't know, if you want to talk to him, you can ask him yourself. Michael and Sam said they can bring him to you."

He shakes his head, "How did he know my wife's schedule?" He will definitely be angry about this one. I chuckle when I think about it.

"Well Wylder, your wife's new personal assistant was a mole hired by your mother to find out about Zenande's schedule." I move back a bit when I see his face turn stone cold as he realises what I said.

"What? You're telling me my ex's father and my mother are behind my wife's coma. That is quite hilarious." He starts to laugh, almost in disbelief with the answer.

"I never knew my mother had it in her to do some thing so evil. Especially to the mother of her own grandkids." He says to himself, I can tell I shocked him with the news. I see colour slowly return to his face, I smile as he becomes more angry. He hasn't been showing emotions since 1 month back so seeing him get angry is a relief.

At least, he still has a sense of will. "I will take a shower  and meet up with Michael and Samuel." I get up excitedly as I see Wylder be more active then he has been. Maybe telling him about the culprits was a great idea.

I leave the hospital, feel a bit light. Maybe things might just look up.


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