Chapter 24

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After the auction, the waiters serve food. You can hear different voices conversing with each other delightfully. When Zenande receives her food, she grimaces. "Do you even call this food?" She ask-whisper and Leslie chuckles, "After this, fast food all the way." Leslie comments, agreeing with Zenande.

"It's not that bad, compared to last year." Leslie nods her head quickly. "I don't even wanna know." Zenande adds which makes me smile. "So Wylder," I swallow my food. I look up at my grandfather, "How did you and Ms. Potter meet?"

I am really not in the mood to do this whole thing but it is all part of the plan. I clear my throat, wiping my mouth.

"Honestly speaking, I stalked her." The people around our table laugh, I can see the other tables starting to pay attention to us. "You stalked me?" I pat Zenande's hand, "Shush, it is all in the past we are together now." She rolls her eyes but smiles.

"I met her in a parent's meeting, I went to Freddie's parent's meeting since his parents couldn't make it and I fell in love with her at that moment." That is half true, of course I won't include the bet.

Probably that will break Zenande's heart more then me sleeping with that girl. "He was very inappropriate." She adds with a frown, "But you loved it because we are engaged today."

"No no no, I remember that I chased you away for your rudeness and then I believe you started to stalk me." I turn red as she says that. I sigh, "I can't even deny it at all, I did. I followed her until she said it was fine that we could go on a date and the rest from that is history."

I hear a series of aww's from people. "What made you so interested in her?" Dad asks in a way that only I can understand.

"Well, where do I begin?" I say more to myself as I hold her hand. "I would say her aura and feisty side. She didn't throw herself at me in fact she didn't know who the Lombardis were. She made me feel normal and also her beauty caught me. I can be myself around her, I can be childish, serious, upset. She is able to understand and deal with that. And she wants to know me, not the commercial Wylder but the real one and that made me realise I wanted to keep her around, close to me." Even though I am saying it to the people, at the same time I am confessing what I actually feel for her for the first time.

I look into her eyes and I see the wonder and disbelief in them. She didn't expect me to say that and I can tell she doesn't know how to react. But this is how I feel because I think I have real actual feelings for Zenande. I know she also has feelings for me, I am not too certain though if they are on the same level as mine.

The rest of the dinner continues with people asking us different questions. When the dancing part finally came, I can tell Zenande isn't interested.

So we both sit, drinking champagne while talking. Watching everyone else dance is interesting. "They play boring music." She admits slightly tipsy. Other people won't be able to tell but I can see that the 2 bottles of champagne we just had is getting to her.

"Yeah they do." I agree, finishing up. "At our wedding, I'll ask Minho to DJ. I can't do this." I laugh, also feeling a bit buzzed.

"Just imagine us dancing to this at our wedding." We both laugh at the image, "Hell no, I rather run around naked in the cold then that."

"I wouldn't mind that site." I wink at her and she giggles at my reaction.

"Your mom hates me so much, look at her from across the room." I follow her gaze and my mom's eyes are staring at us intensely. Jesus, she really hates her but I don't care at all.

"Don't you want to leave and get real food." She immediately stands up and I take our things as we head out. Leslie follows us with her boyfriend, Dalton. She also doesn't want to be here, I know the auction is a success so I'm not worried about leaving now.

The limo is waiting for us outside with the door open.

After dropping Leslie and Dalton, Zenande and I decide to get more  alcohol, weed and some brownies baked with weed that Leslie had. I took them from her not before scolding her. When we reach the penthouse, I roll up a joint and we smoked it then we had beers and we ate the brownies. By midnight, we are gone, not focusing on anything.

"You want to know my favourite song?" I lazily laugh, "It is South African?" She laughs like a witch. "No, far from it." She stumbles up and turns on the sound system and connects her phone.

"It is by Andrew Bayer featuring Alison May called Open End Resource." I frown at the song title, "That sounds so complicated." She nods slowly with agreement, her eyes are small and red as hell.

"I know right but once you listen to it, you will understand. It all make sense. It is so beautiful. I want us to dance to this song at our wedding."

When the song starts playing, I listen to it carefully. Now I see why she loves it, it is so peaceful. She is literally dancing, she gets me up. Forcing me to dance with her, after sometime we are both dancing like idiots, increasing the volume to the max.

At this very moment, we forget about the guests below us sleeping, we forget about the world, we forget about the future, we are both just existing. Putting the song on repeat.

One thing I have to admit, judging by the way Zena is moving her hips, I can tell she is a dancer. She is smooth, fluid and she is very rhythmic. To me, she just became more beautiful. If she only knew what she does to me.

Right now, fuck Hannah. I needed to leave her so I can meet Zenande, my South African Beauty as they call her. I can't deny that name because it is very true.

She is my South African Beauty.

I hear a knock on the door and I go and answer it. The security looks at me with shock, "Uhm sir, the guests are complaining about the noise." I try to keep a straight face but I can't. "Oh yeah Damn. I forgot about them." I know for a fact my whole penthouse smells like alcohol and weed right now.

"I will decrease... the volume and don't mention this to anyone or you are fired." The security nods quickly and he scurried away. I go to Zena to see her still dancing, "Zenny, we have lower the volume. People are complaining." She turns to me with a smile, "Vele let them sleep."

I notice that when Zenande is drunk or high, her South African Zulu accent becomes more audible and she uses more Zulu words then usual. It is weird that I find her Zulu accent and words really sexy.

I never thought I'd be engaged to a girl that isn't fully English and is black. My parents always emphasised dating within your race, so it must come as a shock to them that the girl I love is black and African.

I lower the volume and we end up, watching a movie. After some time, I hear Zenande snore, we are cuddled up on the couch with a blanket. I can tell she was very tired. Slowly my eyes close as I sleep with the girl that I'm falling for...


The Youtube video I have added is the song that Zenande loves. Honestly this is one of my favourite songs so I felt like adding. Maybe some of you might enjoy. Also I just wanted to write a chapter where no one and they can just be peaceful with no drama in their lives.

Plus I wanted to show that Wylder actually has real feelings for Zenande and genuinely loves her. I also want to show that he feels more comfortable around her.

Thanks for the support thanks.❤❤😊

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