Chapter 8

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When the driver reaches the mansion, I tell him to park in front of the porch. Judging by Zenande's face, she is in awe. "This is where you grew up?" I nod with a smile, "So many memories. I coming back now, just getting Tamara." I say as I get out the car. Entering the house, I see one of the maids, Helen. I go to her and I hug her with affection.

"Hi Ms. Helen." She hugs me back with the same affection. She brought me up when my mama was busy or went on business trips with dad. "Wyldie. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good." She pinches my cheeks as she says, "Congratulations Mr. CEO." I turn red as a tomato, realising she still treats me like a baby. "Thank you." I say with a smile, "I actually wanted to ask where is Tamara." She nods and leads me to her. We head upstairs, "So I hope you will stop with your foolish doings." I know she is referring to my scandals.

"You know a CEO can't be irresponsible and be the center of attention for all the wrong reasons. You know that." I sigh, scratching the back of my neck.

"I'm a changed man." She raises her left eyebrow at me skeptically. "I'm serious, I even have a serious girlfriend."

Ok honestly if you ask me why I said that, I would tell you I don't know. Where did that come from?

She widens her eyes. "You do?"

"Yeah..." I mumble, I'm so stupid. The only reason why I said that is cause I know Helen will start lecturing me about using girls like a sack of potatoes.

"Oh my goodness. I would love to meet her." I shake my head. "It is still new. I don't want to scare her. She values her privacy which I respect. She is still shy and timid."

Zena.. timid? Never!

She gushes with happiness and she claps her hands delightfully. "I should tell your father about this."

"No!" I shout and she jumps back a bit. I close my eyes, "Sorry I mean, I don't want to tell them yet about her. They will scare her away."

"Mm it is strange but ok. Honey you know your relationship won't be silent forever, you are a well-known person who is respected. Sooner or later, paparazzi will know about her and bombard her with questions. Poor girl." Zena will definitely slap me but I'll make sure it doesn't get out.

Tamara runs out the room, she was in. I guess she heard my no. She jumps on me enthusiastically. I love my 7 year old sister, she is so innocent.

"Wyldie." I lift her high up, "Tammy. How's my favourite girl doing?" She smiles widely as I walk away with her, not forgetting to say bye to Helen.

"Good, very good."

"Well I promised you a day out with your big brother and you getting it. I invited someone though if you don't mind." She narrows her eyes.

"Is it Rudd again? I don't mind him. He is funny." I bite my lower lip, "Nope. You don't know her."

Immediately when I say her, her face freezes. "Her? It is a girl, is it Hannah?" I know Tammy really loved Hannah, they were close. After she discovered that Hannah and I were over, she went through a stage where she hated me. But I could not explain to her what Hannah did that easily. She is only 7.

I shake my head and Tammy frowns. Ok, not a good sign. Maybe this is a bad idea but hey I'm already in the situation.

We exit the mansion and I reach the car, with the driver waiting by the open door. Tamara took mom's blond hair and dark brown eyes but we still look alike.

I find Zenande talking to the driver casually, laughing with him. I smile at the scene, knowing that the driver is very a quiet person by nature.

Tammy looks at Zenande in an annoyed way. She frowns even harder, making her look even cuter. The driver clears his throat when he sees me. Zenande's eyes go between me and Tammy and she immediately Aww's her.

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