Chapter 26

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I wake up, feeling a kink in my neck since I slept on the couch. Zena locked me out, I had a spare key but I got the memo loud and clear. I wasn't ready to receive a heartfelt slap again. Hannah did offer to sleep on the couch but I stopped her. I get up, stretching my stiff body for a while.

"I think I need some orange juice." When I enter the kitchen, I see a note on the fridge. I take it and read it.

Sorry Wyldie, I had to go somewhere for today but I left Ocean so that he can go with you to Zenande's parents house. See you too later. I hope I didn't ruin your engagement.

I can't help but smile. She didn't have to leave Ocean, if she didn't want him to meet Zenande's parents she could have taken him but she left him.

I go to the guest bedroom to find Ocean still sleeping peacefully, I kiss his forehead gently, appreciating his existence. I go to my bedroom and I use the spare key to unlock the door. I find Zenande freshly showered wearing her bra and panties, if we weren't on bad terms I would do her right now.

When she sees my face, she rolls her eyes. "Hey?" She glances at me and gets dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. Rose is still sleeping, I guess the babies are tired. "I'm baking some cookies for the family." She exits the room, leaving me stressed. She is still angry at me. I decide to take a long shower to relieve some of the stiffness in my body. When I come out, I also get dressed in simple home clothes. I notice that Rose isn't on the bed anymore, I go to check on Ocean.

He starts crying when he sees me, I go to him and pick him up. "Hey, why you crying?" I try to shush him but I can't do it. I decide to go to Zenande in the kitchen with the crying baby. "Can you help me with him?" She doesn't even glance at me as she fries the eggs.

"Where's the mother?" I widen my eyes at her question. "Seriously? Zenande!" She turns around and Ocean gets louder. I see her mouth twitch on the sides, trying to stop a laugh. She rolls her eyes but opens her arms, "Give me the baby and guard the eggs." I quickly throw the baby at her and I remove the eggs from the pan onto the plate.

"Did Hannah leave a bottle of milk or formula or something? Or did she just leave you to figure out everything for yourself cause she is evil?" She glares at me with the last question. I sigh, shaking my head, "I don't know what is wrong with her but something is spinning weird in that head of hers."

"Give me a towel." I furrow my eyebrows at her, "Why?"

"Wylder!" I quickly run to get a towel and bring it to her. All of a sudden, she bends forward slightly and places Ocean's front against her back. She makes sure his legs are open as if he is on a seesaw and his arms are also spread. "What are you doing?" I question her with worry.

"Shut up!" I close my mouth again with a frown. Then she takes the towel and places it on top of Ocean, making sure that his head is peaking. She ties the towel together in front at the bottom and the top.

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