Chapter 20

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"What are you doing?" I take another piece of popcorn, staring at Wylder. "What?" I ask before tossing the popcorn in the air and it flies straight into my mouth. I close my mouth with a smile, "That." He points at me while narrowing his eyes.

"Yoh, don't blame me. I have a lot of brothers ok. Any who when is Florence coming so that we can buy the dress for the ball?" He checks the time before answering me.

"She will probably be here in 30 minutes." I nod before doing the popcorn thing again. "You really have a good aim." He says before heading back to his office.

Things between Wylder and I have been a bit sour since that day we saw Hannah. We don't even sleep in the same bed right now. I've never seen him so angry and confused before. Hannah must still be a low blow for him, like how Mandla is for me.

We are just two people with serious issues in our lives that we need to solve about ourselves. I can't wait for Christmas anyway, it is a few days after the ball and my dad wants to officially meet Wylder. I am very anxious for them meeting because well, Wylder does have a bad reputation when it comes to women.

And also, my dad didn't react well when he saw the news about Wylder and I. In fact, I got a call at 3AM in the freaking morning from him and he made sure to interrogate my ass well.

Like as if it wasn't bad enough with my crazy mom who use to give me ass whooping's when I was a kid. I hear a knock on the door of the penthouse, I call Wylder before opening the door.

I see a beautiful woman with red hair staring at me. "Oh hi!" She hugs me so warmly and tightly.

Do I know her?

"Hi?" I say back to her after she let's go off me. "Oh my goodness I'm so happy to meet you honey. Wylder talks about you all the bloody time. I wanted to meet you so bad, the woman who made him shut up about Hannah. You are so beautiful and sexy and way out of his league. Where is the idiot anyway?" I like this girl.

She actually calls Wylder an idiot.

"Seriously Flora, calling me an idiot in front of my fiancee." She screams before taking a hold of my hand, staring at the ring. "Oh my bloody goodness, ahhh! It is so beautiful and simple. Knowing Wylder, I thought he would do something really extravagant." She questions us with a confused expression.

"Well I told him he likes over dramatic things for no reason. He knows I like simple things and respected that." Florence looks between Wylder and I with adoration.

"You too are so adorable. Now Wylder I have to steal your fiancee but I will be back with her in a jippy." She kisses Wylder on the cheek then she grabs me, dragging me out of the penthouse.

When we exit the elevator, there are paparazzi waiting for us already. Luckily the bodyguards are there, waiting for us. Since the world finding out that I'm with Wylder Lombardi, I've been continuously followed by paparazzi, fans also and magazine covers have been showing pictures of me or Wylder and I together.

I somehow gained the nickname, Wylder's South African Beauty. It killed me the first time I saw it but now I kinda like the sound of it.

As soon as we enter the car, Florence starts talking again. "I never thought Wylder would settle down after what happened to him with Hannah." I roll my eyes, hearing the name Hannah. "Judging by your reaction, you are not fond of her either."

"You have no idea at all. Anyway, how long have you known Wylder?"

"Oh a few years but he is like an older brother to me. I knew Marcus first though before Wylder." I know Marcus is Wylder's older brother but I never heard about him cause I stopped Wylder when he was about to explain.

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