Chapter 23

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"They don't look too happy seeing you here." I say to Zenande. She laughs nervously as they approach us. They walk towards us while greeting different people. When they reach us, there is a pregnant silence amongst us but my mom decides to break it by hugging me.

"My dear Wyldie." I hug her back, "Mama, you good?" She nods. I shake my dad's hand firmly and his grip is really tight. I can tell he is pissed off but he won't show it here. He told me that he doesn't like Zenande, yet I brought her to the ball and disobeyed his order.

"Mama and dad, this is Zenande  Ashley Potter, the love of my life." I say, staring at her admirably. She nervously puts out her hand, at least my dad has the audacity to shake her hand. My mama just stares at her hand with an annoyed expression and Zenande restrains herself from rolling her eyes. She puts her hand down, "Nice to meet you Ms. Potter. So you are the one, my son didn't tell me about at all until you appeared on tv." He says with a hint of annoyance.

"I wonder what he sees in you." Mom mutters, "Mama, stop it. You haven't even talked to her at all and you are already judging. Look mom, we will see you later. Come let's go babe." I grab her hand, annoyed with how my mom just behaved. I can see the shock on mom's face, that I just chose Zenande over her in a small way.

Even Zenande stares at me while we walk to our table, which sadly will have my parents too. "You just scolded your mom for me." She looks at me in shock as we sit down.

"Bloody of course, she can't just talk to you anyhow. Yes she is my mom and I love her but you are my future and she should respect that. She raised a good man, she must believe that her son's choice is a good reasonable one. He wouldn't just choose anyone to be his life and support structure. So she should respect you as much as she respects me." I explain properly, staring deeply into her eyes.

"Thanks Wylder." I smile, patting her back. "Sure man. Anyway I wonder when this ball will end, I really want some Indian food." She sighs as she leans her back against the chair. "Here we go again with you and the Indian food." I raise my eyebrows.

"What is that suppose to mean?" She smiles, "Eating spicy food that much is not good for you." I chuckle at her, remembering the day she got sick. "Mate, just cause it makes you sick, it doesn't mean that it will happen to me too."

"No! Don't you dare mention that day, it is a chapter I want to forget in my life." I laugh at her reaction, "I remember it like as if it was yesterday, after a good make out session you decided to ruin my favourite suit like wah!" I make puking sounds and she glares at me. I can tell she wants to laugh so loud but she keeps a straight face. She turns around, facing away from me with her arms folded.

I stand up and I put my hands on her shoulders from behind, kissing her forehead. "Just kidding Zenny." She looks up at me with her lips pierced but she smiles at me in the end. Finally other people start sitting around the table, the ball is about to start.

This ball is almost like a charity event more then the ball but there is a lot of dancing. Leslie sits next to Zenande and Tamara isn't here because well, she is still a kid. She won't be interested in this at all.

My parents are seated next to me. Leslie and Zenande are chatting up a storm next to me and I can't help but smile at the site. I'm glad Leslie loves her, Tamara might be a bit of a hard one to crack.

First there will be a date auction, where different singletons will model down the stage and people will bid money on who they want to go out on a date with. It is going to be interesting because guess who is hosting, Rudd.

The lights dim and Rudd comes onto stage, dressed excellently. Which is a strange site cause he is the most causal person ever. People applaud for him and he dramatically bows causing people to laugh.

"Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Rudolph Michal Quinn and I am your event host for this evening. You all look wonderful and exquisite tonight, give yourself a round of applause for looking like as if you might go into heaven." People laugh while clapping loudly.

"Woo." I clap loud for him. It finally quietens down, "This year, the wonderful Lombardi family decided to host the Winter Ball and they have picked a charity of their choice that will receive the money which will be  auctioned today. So everyone knows the drill and I don't need to give you a long boring speech about it. I'm 100 percent certain that my stomach is not the only one growling at the moment."

A few people agree while others laugh, Rudd is just good at being funny. Just by looking at him, I would fall to the ground laughing. I whisper in Zenande's ear, "This is one of my other friends, Rudd. You will definitely meet him after the auction." She laughs, shaking her head.

"Why am I not surprised that you have a funny ass friend." I take a hold of her hand and I can tell everyone at our table is paying attention to us. But Zena is not even there, she is just listening to Rudd with a smile. She has a very beautiful smile, an angelic smile that makes my insides curl in a way I can't describe.

She is just something else.

I'm not even paying attention to Rudd anymore, I am just analysing Zena carefully, admiring her aura. Until she turns to look at me and shrugs, I nervously look away from her. "Nothing." I say too quickly, sounding suspicious but she doesn't push it.

My attention goes back to Rudd and he smiles in a mischievous way. "Before doing anything and shipping Ladies away to their future husbands, I have an important, excited announcement to make." Immediately I see my parents attention increase after Rudd says that. Confused on what he meant by important announcement.

"It is true that our very own, Mr. Wylder Lombardi is indeed cuffed by a girl that is way out of his league." I roll my eyes at the comment as people laugh at me, "But there is more, not only he is dating the most beautiful girl I have ever seen but she is the future Mrs. Lombardi." Gasps fill the venue as people realise what he means.

"Yes people, Mr. Wylder Lombardi is engaged to the lovely South African, Ms. Zenande Potter. Give them a round of applause for their way to a beautiful life." People clap loudly for me, at the corner of my eye I see my parents look at me with disbelief as the spotlight shines on Zenande and I. I feel her grip tighten as everyone cheers for us.

"Honestly, Wylder I never thought you would settle down especially not with her. She is way out of your league, just saying mate. But congratulations and I'm sure your parents are proud." Rudd adds, looking genuinely happy. He didn't question me when I told him that I am engaged to thee Ms. Potter.

In fact he shocked me by hugging me and crying with joy. He was so happy for me that he couldn't stop the tears. I know Rudd is always joking around and acts stupid a lot. But he has one of the biggest hearts in a person and he is a huge softie. That's why his other nickname is Teddy Bear.

My dad looks annoyed at the news but he fakes a smile to not draw attention on us. Mom can't even hide it, I think at this rate she would rather have me be with Hannah again. Especially since Ocean is my baby, that will cause a lot of conflicts. My life in the near future is going to be more complicated then this.

"Ok now ladies and gentlemen, time for the auction to begin." Rudd says, continuing with the event but I can feel everyone is more interested in this story.

Thee Wylder Lombardi engaged to a black South African woman that no one knew...


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