Chapter 36

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"I didn't want to tell you so soon Wylder." Zenande says after our shower, I take off my eye glasses since I'm still working with my laptop. "What's wrong babe?" She takes a deep breath and looks downs at her hands. "You won't freak out right?"

"Zena!" I say, slightly getting annoyed with her slowness.

"Okay! I'm pregnant." I blink for a moment, trying to process that statement properly. "What?"

"Wylder I'm pregnant!" I close the lid of my laptop like a confused person, "I guess that's good." Her face falls at my response and I mentally slap myself. That came out so wrong.

"You guess it's good?" She mutters more to herself. If she could rip my head off, she would. "No I mean it is good." Her skin turns red and she flares her nose.

"What's next? You guess that you love me. You guess that you want to be in my life. Why are you guessing your excitement for the pregnancy? You know what, keep guessing. And I'll keep going." She gets up from the bed and walks out the room. I quickly follow her, "Zenande, wait please." She slams the door of the guest bedroom in my face angrily.

I knock on the door for a while, "Zenande, baby please open the door. I didn't mean to say it like that. I'm very happy about this. I always wanted a child with you." After 20 minutes of trying to get her to open the door, I decide to sit on the floor waiting for her to come out.

I'm waken up by a loud knock on the door, I realise that I have fallen asleep on the floor. Zenande still didn't open the door, I must have pissed her off for real. I just didn't expect her to get pregnant so suddenly but honestly, I'm quite over zealous about this. Slowly a warm, wide smile spreads across my face as I realise that I will have a child with Zenande. I get up from the floor, heading to the door.

I know it is Rudd knocking since he isn't stopping. That idiot. I open the door and my 6 friends are staring at me. "We have been knocking for the past 5 minutes. What happened?" Shabir says and Rudd basically smiles. "Don't tell me you guys were shagging?"

"I wish we were but sadly, she locked herself in the guest bedroom because I pissed her off." I admit and Cory laughs at that. "What happened?"

I let them in my place, "I just found out that she is pregnant and I gave her the most unenthusiastic response. She got angry at me and practically slammed the door in my face. I've been trying to get her to open the door but it didn't work. Ended up sleeping on the floor, hoping she might open the door."

"She didn't open the door, did she?" Rudd asks and I shake my head. They all laugh at me, "Hardy har har, laugh at your friend you useless pricks."

"Let me go talk to her." Rudd says as he walks towards the guest bedroom. I shrug my shoulders, "Go for it. I doubt she will come out." Luckily Zenande cooked today, so we didn't have to buy takeaways like how we usually do.

"Out of all of us, I honestly thought you would have kids last. But here we are with baby number 2 on the way." Xiang says, opening the fridge and taking out a beer. "I mean there is Ocean, now there will be Oceania." They laugh again, sometimes I wonder if my friends are even adults sometimes.

"But all in all, congratulations. We are quite proud of you for finally moving on and finding the love of your life." Cory loves being so sentimental about everything. "Does she know about the bet yet?" Akash asks, my eyes fall to the floor and I hear a variety of sighs from my friends. "You've got to be fucking kidding us mate. You still have not told her about the bet, you know you can't get married with secrets. And this is definitely a secret you don't want to keep."

I hate to admit it but Cory is right, actually all of my friends are right. But I am so scared to tell her, what if she leaves me after discovering about the bet?

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