Chapter 41

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"Ok Hannah you have 5 minutes to explain what the hell you are doing here. My wife is angry at me and she is rarely angry at me, I don't like that." I can see a sudden shock crossing Hannah's face.

"Are you really getting annoyed with me coming to see my son?" I grab her arm, trying to pull towards the door. "What son are you talking about? The son that you left like that, the son who doesn't remember that you are his mother. What son are you going on about Hannah?"

Hannah forces her arm out of my grip with an outrageous expression on her face. "My son Wylder! The one I brought into this world without you." This girl is really a huge psychopath.

"Because you are a cheating bitch, who wasn't sure who the father of the baby was until he was born. So that is what happened Hannah. So you cannot blame me for being quite ignorant about the existence of my son."

She growls in frustration at the current situation, "Wylder you took my son away. How do you think I would react to that? If someone did that to you, you would be angry at them." I take a deep breath, calming myself down before sitting on the floor slowly.

"Can I explain why I did it?" I ask her politely so she won't feel attacked. This is not how I want this moment to go by, I have an hour or so before Zenande comes back. Hannah needs to be gone by then or else, it is time for me.

She carefully sits down on the heated wooden floor next to me. "Why?"

"When I saw you like that with the drugs, I couldn't imagine my son having a mother who does that. I needed you to get better so you can be a proper mother to Ocean. But you came out the rehabilitation centre and you didn't come back for him. That for me, was a realisation that you didn't want to be in Ocean's life." She puts her face in her hands, crying a bit.

I am not sure if I should comfort her or just let her be but being kind, I wrap my arm around her shoulders. "Wylder, I didn't want to go back to my son like a failure of a mother. I didn't feel like I was in the right state of mind to be a mother yet. That's why I didn't come back immediately, I needed to fix myself first."

I let the information she just told me sink in properly, "Why didn't you tell me that you felt that way Hannah?" She shrugs, looking away like a little baby. "I was embarrassed Wylder that I let myself get out of hand. How was I going to face you? You know that I still love you more then I admit." 

I keep quiet, wondering how life would be with Hannah and Ocean alone. But I cannot imagine a life without my baby girl, Amahle and her heartwarming smile that melts me. Or my baby boy, Rain who loves messing up my hair and pulling it. Then my lovely Ocean, the way he loves running towards Zenande like as if she is the best thing in the world.

Then of course, Zenande, the love of my life. I never knew how much I could love someone until her. What I feel for her is indescribable and out of this world. I never had that with Hannah at all but I'm just so upset that my good luck might be taken away soon.

"Hannah you know I don't see you that way."

"What is so special about her?" Hannah glances at me with her eyes brimming with tears. "She is just not you at all and you need to start accepting that. There are so many guys out there who would die to have you as the love of their life Hannah. I'm just not the one for you. I can talk to Zenande about you seeing Ocean during the weekends and that. But for now can you please leave before my crazy wife kills me?"

Hannah just gets up from the floor and glares at me, "This is not the end, your little bitch is ruining everything for everyone and you are allowing it. I want my son back completely." She says before walking out the house dramatically, swaying her hips. I swear Hannah sometimes is bipolar but I ignore the end of our conversation.

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