Chapter 32

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Please imagine Zenande and her family speaking isiZulu. It is just that translating takes long and time so yeah. Enjoy!!!

"Girl you are part of the elite hey. Look at these cards, you came here with a private jet, you have bodyguards and you have fans. You, my nerdy best friend, have fans. Jesus is coming guys... So soon though." I roll my eyes at Snqobile while we are cooking dinner.

There is nothing more refreshing after a long week of working then going home. Not just any home, my home home, where I was born and raised to who I am today, through ass whooping and tears. South Africa in the province of KwaZulu-Natal in a small town.

Honestly I thought coming here would be fine since I was raised here but no, people go crazy whenever they see me. Even people I use to see every single day, it is weird. Right now, I'm in my hometown with my best friend from since childbirth.

"So?" I shake my head and she widens her eyes, "So? So 'girlings' you have to include me in your paycheck. You know my job as paramedic doesn't pay much." She says and I laugh, stirring the 'pap' while she fries the meat. Suddenly the door opens and her fiance, Siya comes in.

He is not the hottest thing out there, he is cute, chubby and has a rough beard but he has the biggest heart out there. He is a serious softie. He looks at us, "You didn't warn me that she was gonna be here." He frowns at her jokingly and he walks over to me. He throws his arms around me and hugs me tightly. "Here is our model friend."

"Siya, just cause I'm exercising, it doesn't mean I'm stronger then you." He laughs, releasing me quickly. "I had a feeling someone special was coming so I got you your favourite chips, Niknaks." I smile, he still remembers my favourite chips.

"Thanks Siya." Snqobile looks between us with a smile, "I'm just happy." She starts crying. Oh yeah, I forgot to add that she is also pregnant, 6 months pregnant.

I hug her sideways, "Don't cry, aren't you happy? Happy people don't cry." I turn to Siya and I explain to him, "Don't mind the 2 white people outside. Wylder wouldn't let me come here without bodyguards. He is a bit melodramatic." Snqobile sniffs next to me.

"Now I see why you too are so compatible." I roll my eyes, decreasing the heat of the stove. "He just worries a lot about my safety."

"I'm just glad you found somebody, after my brother's death. I thought you were gonna become a cat lady and die alone because of allergies." She cries even more then before, I decide to ignore the insult she just said to me. "I just miss my brother so much, he was such a great boyfriend to you. I'm so sad but happy that you are moving on from him. I'm sure you deserve it and the guy that got you is lucky."

Siya comes over to save me from my crying best friend, "Ok baby, I think you need to relax and sit down." She is visibly shaking from crying, this girl is increasing her blood pressure and can harm the baby. "I'm fine, relax, take it easy. Siya please take her for a drive." I tell Siya and he quickly nods.

Snqobile has always been a bit emotional since we were kids so I'm not surprised that she is worse in pregnancy. Things got complicated between Snqobile and I when Mandla died and I survived. She was happy that I survived but she was devastated that her brother died, it was just too messed up for the both of us.

It made our friendship stronger then what I imagined.

She walks away slowly, shaking while Siya took her outside. I lean against the counter for a while, taking a deep breath. I'm suppose to be moving on from Mandla here but I'm back on square 1. Suddenly I smell burning meat, without thinking I touch the pan by where it is hot.

I feel surging pain throughout my hand, I quickly remove it. "Ah Damn it Zenande, smooth." I grab the handle of the pan with the other hand and I remove it. I open the tap, letting the cool water touch my burnt skin. Since it is the beginning of autumn here, the water is slightly colder.

One thing I love about South African winters is that it rarely snowed. So it took me sometime to get use to the cold, harsh winter weather of Europe but the summers in Europe weren't as hot as South Africa. The way it gets so hot in South Africa, I'm pretty sure Wylder would turn red if he stayed in the sun for 5 minutes every day.

I smile, imagining Wylder having red skin because of the hot African sun. How I miss him.

This is the only reason why I never want to see Snqobile personally sometimes. I know she didn't do it on purpose but whenever she cries about Mandla, I feel guilty.

Guilty about moving away from South Africa. Guilty about starting a new life. Guilty about moving on with Wylder. Guilty about falling in love with him. Guilty for loving Wylder differently and more then Mandla. But most of all, guilty about surviving the accident and him dying.

I sigh, closing the tap after I feel my skin getting better. I get a gauze, putting it on my skin to stop bacteria from entering. I've always been caution about bacteria on wounds. I decide to switch off the stove and I leave. Of course, Snqobile will be my maid of honour but sometimes, she doesn't realise she hurts me. But she is pregnant, so I don't want to stress her at all.

I leave the house and the bodyguards, Michael and Sam, immediately follow me. We get into the car, driving towards my mom's house. They don't question me about leaving early but you can tell they worry for me.

"Zenande are you fine?" Michael asks with worry, I smile at him politely. He is more of the sensitive one between the 2. "Yes Michael, thank you for asking."

"Mam, we have some news for you." No matter how many times I tell Sam to call me Zenande, he always insist on calling me Mam out of respect.

I frown a bit at the statement. "What news?" He sighs as he drives past the streets. Of course I can see the people staring at the Porsche since it is the latest Porsche. Wylder always has to be extra.

"Hannah is in the hospital." My eyes widen with shock as the news sink in more. "Wait...what?" I ask again, making sure I heard right.

"Hannah is in the hospital, Florence recently called me. It happened about an hour ago mam." I frown, "Oh my goodness, is she fine?"

Michael nods in a curt manner, "I believe so. We didn't get the full details, all we know is that Hannah is in the hospital, Wylder is there to check up on her and Ocean is on his way here." I nod, taking the information.

"Wait, RueRue is coming here?" I ask in shock, "Yes mam, Wylder thought it was a good idea since you know him more then anyone else. You and him have quite a close relationship, I have even noticed that you speak in your native language to him instead of English. Hell, you even gave him his own special nickname."

I laugh not even disagreeing at all. After spending so much time with RueRue (Ocean), I have created an incredible bond between him and I. We have grown so close that RueRue would choose to be with me then his own mother. I won't lie, sometimes I feel guilty about that. But it is not my fault that Hannah hasn't been focusing on her mother duties.

I just hope that she doesn't get a serious illness that would cause baby RueRue to lose his mother at such a young age. Every child deserves to have a beautiful relationship with their mother, like how close my mom and I are.

I hope Hannah is fine and with Wylder being there with her, I'm sure she is getting the best medical attention. I wonder what caused her to go to the hospital. She has been acting weird for these few months, even I got worried. And that should tell people some thing because honestly, I'm not fond of her at all.

I hope Wylder is fine because I know deep down, he is still in love with her. If something bad or drastic happens to her, probably he will be devastated and there is no bringing him back from that. He just needs to learn to move on from his heartbreak like how I did with Mandla's death.

I just feel weird about this whole thing with Hannah, I'm not sure if she is acting like this because she wants to really fix her life or she wants to destroy my relationship with Wylder. Wylder is too kind to realise anything wrong or sinister about her.

Or he is just too gullible and naive.

I sigh, leaning my head against seat. I need to stop over thinking things. Wylder loves me and he has shown me that in more ways then 1. I just wish that he could realise that some people don't deserve his kindness at all.

He needs to toughen up and deal with situations like a man. And I'll make sure he does that.


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