Chapter 14

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Weeks have passed without any problems. In fact everything was going perfectly. Zenande and I are still doing well with the deal. When I think about it, we have been spending a lot of time together that I haven't had time to go home and see my family. Or even check up on my friends.

I enjoyed every minute I spent with Zena. She made me smile, laugh and feel like my age. I don't feel like a CEO of an internationally recognized company. I don't feel like I have to prove that I can handle things with her. In fact I believe she knows the real me more then other people.

I haven't even thought about Hannah.

I come out the meeting with a stern expression on my face. Florence is waiting for me by the door, "How did it go?" I smile and nod at her curtly, patting her shoulder.

"Great hey. I need to celebrate for getting this deal with Mr. Patterson." Florence looks at my neck for a while. "I guess you were excited yesterday. I can tell by the hickey there." I turn red while walking.

"I guess I need to tell her that she needs to be less excited." Florence smiles at me for a while.

"Wylder dearest, You like her?" I freeze at the word and I frown at Florence. "I don't like her. We are just merely adults doing adulthood things."

"Yeah of course. Just again and again and again. Definitely not like, my dearest friend." She says in a taunting way.

We head to my office. "She is not anything more Florence."

"If so Sir, then why are you never out, doing your reckless ways again?" Slowly as the question is processed in my mind, I realised that I haven't been out or slept with anyone else. This causes sort of a panic within me.

"Oh my goodness. What am I doing? This has to stop right now. Call my friends, tell them today we are going out." Florence stares at me with disappointment and disbelief.

"You're highly unbelievable and such an asshole, goodness." She angrily says at me and walks away.

What is her problem?

Maybe she is going through her womanly time. I know tonight Zenande is busy with Kiki, so it isn't much of a bother. Maybe I have been spending too much time with Zena. We have a 'no strings attached' relationship, it shouldn't be a problem that tonight I wanna bring a girl over. Plus I can tell she is still not over her deceased lover.

Which is bothering you! I ignore that little voice in my head.

To even how she coped with it amazes me. If I lost Hannah at the time we were still together, I think I would be depressed. Maybe her coping mechanism is moving away from the country it happened in... South Africa. But however she coped, I was amazed at her strength emotionally and mentally.

I quickly get back to work with the files I needed to read over and confirm. My mind travels back to Florence's words. I don't like Zena but something about her makes me want to be around her forever. Maybe her scent, her outgoing personality, just genuinely the person she is. But it can not be actually emotional feelings. Right?

I am not attached to her emotionally, only physically. Anyway she is only a bet, I won a long time ago. To prove the point to Florence, I will tell my friends that I slept with her. It is just a bet. It is not going to do any real damage to us.

I haven't realised that I haven't done anything productive because of all these thoughts. I read a file and it catches my attention. My dad always wanted to be business partner with Mr. Galileo since I knew about him. It seems like it may happen now. On the weekend we have a business meeting with him.

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