Chapter 44

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I sit patiently in my office chair, waiting for my mother to arrive. I think I shocked most of my employees by showing up to work today. Heck, I even shocked myself but I needed to solve this. My face hasn't felt so clean in a such long time, staying in that hospital day after day was really slowly finishing me up. I couldn't stand the site of the love of my life looking lifeless, her skin is constantly cold and that always shreds my heart into pieces.

I didn't want my kids to see me in that state, I haven't told them anything but Ocean is not an idiot. He can sense that something is off, he has been continuously asking me about his mama. Each time he asked, you can hear the worry in his voice. I really hope she wakes up but with the rate it is going, I'll probably never hear her voice again. 

As that thought crosses my mind, I feel goosebumps all over my body, fearing the idea of losing the most important person in my life. I just can not believe that my mother had a hand in taking away the joy in my life, along with Hannah's fucking father. One thing I know that I can bet on my life is Hannah never had a hand in this. I know she hates Zenande with all of her heart but she would never hurt another human being like that because she knows the struggle of loving someone with a terminal illness.

That is why I'm quite disappointed at my mother for her actions. I hear a knock on the door and I feel a sudden anger build in me, my mother is here. "Come in." I say casually. The door opens, in walks my mother looking strangely pale today. She does not look as energetic as she usually does, there are bags under her eyes and she looks tired. She sits and looks at me, "Surprised to see you in the office today." Her voice sounds dry.

"I decided to get some fresh air, I could not stand being in that hospital anymore. It is hard to look Zena while she is in that state. Tears me every single second. I just don't get people, you know I found out that her accident was actually planned. That was quite weird for me. I mean who would want to hurt my wife. What did she do wrong?" I pause, staring at her eyes. Her eyes seem to hold many secrets.

"Oh really? Why did it surprise you my son? Some people just did not find your relationship with her right. She was just some black South African girl who clawed your heart into falling in love with her." That makes me so angry, I get up from my chair and I slap my mother hard across the face.

The sound of the slap echoes throughout the room, thank goodness she closed the door. I didn't want Florence to see me lose my temper like that. Mother's eyes stare at me with shock and disbelief as she holds her face, tears streaming down her face. I can't even feel bloody remorse for her, she is really pulling water works on me after what she did to my wife. Not working.

"Who the hell gave you the right to take someone's life or not? Since when did you become God?" I ask her quietly, she looks mortified at my rage. "I wasn't alone in this-"

"I know but I'm asking you mom. My own mother who raised me and 'loves' me takes the one important thing in my life away from me. I don't know what Zenande has done to you but is it really that big you have to put her in a coma.... knowing very well that she is sick with leukemia. I can't believe you are that evil. What will I say to my kids if Zenande dies? Oh sorry, your mother passed away because your grandmother killed her. What will dad say? Because I'm 100% sure that he doesn't know your sinister side. Will he still love you? You know that he loves Zenande like as if as she is his own. What about her mother who is in South Africa? She has continuously come up and down here, wasting money because of your selfish reasons."

Silence fills the room, I take in a deep breath, fixing my suit. I clear my throat, "Hannah's father, your accomplice is already getting taken to jail. I won't say anything to you or him. Don't worry I won't snitch on you, probably your accomplice will do so for himself and I won't deny the allegations because I know how much you hate my wife. Mother, you can mess with anyone else but not my family. Now go along and leave my office." She doesn't even say anything as she gets up slowly, walking towards the door in defeat. When she reaches the door, I stop her, "I'm sorry for slapping you, you are still my mother no matter what you do. I still love you.... I'm just disappointed at you for your doings. I hope to never see you again, now you may leave."

Saying that to her forms a lump in my throat, she really disappointed me. I really looked up to my mother. She was my hero but now, I'm not sure what to think of her. After some time, I also leave the building to go check up on Zenande. Of course paparazzi are trying to figure out what is happening to their Zena. I know the paparazzi had a blast dealing with her, she has that charisma about her that makes people adore her. So I'm not surprised by the amount messages I see on twitter about her getting better and people praying for her recovery, from both ordinary people and famous people.

I finally reach the hospital and I go to her room, I freeze at the site. She turns to look at me, "Mr. Wyld." Is this a dream? Is she really awake? Why didn't the hospital contact me? Oh yes, my phone was on bloody silence.

"OH my gosh, babe!" I go to her to hug her immediately, I don't even realise that I am crying. "Don't cry Wylder. Guess who was here to see me?" She dramatically pauses, "Hannah." I move back a bit wit surprise. "No way! What'd she want?"

"She wanted to check if I was fine, after finding out that her dad was the one behind my accident. She was in tears, I woke up to her crying. She immediately called the nurses to check up on me and then she explained everything." I look at her with shock, Hannah is the one that Zenande saw first when she woke up. "Was I really in a coma for 2 months?" I can tell she doesn't believe she was out for that long. I kiss her forehead, "Yes you were, I thought you were never going to wake up."

"It was weird, I could hear you guys speaking. I never left." I smile, feeling relief rush over my body. I sit next to her, I should inform her family about this. "Wylder, can you please call our kids to come here? I miss them, I haven't seen them for ages." A chuckle leaves my mouth as I agree with her. "I missed you so much, it killed me seeing you lifeless." She does look a bit weak and skinny, the leukemia is getting worse. The doctors have been treating her at the same time while looking over her. 

I tell Minho everything, he excitedly agrees to bring them immediately. Not even an hour later, Minho walks in with our kids. I am surprised that the nurses did not stop him walking in with kids, I guess they understood our excitement. When Ocean sees his mommy, he screams with happiness. Rain and Amahle also come over to us excitedly, when they reach the bed, I pick them up to sit on me. I have not seen them in such a long time, they look at us curiously.

"Was mama sick?" Ocean asks, a bit sad. "Yeah but look at her, she looks better. She was in a deep sleep but now she is awake." I see tears stream down Zenande's face and her body starts shaking as she hugs Ocean.

"I missed you so much, my bunny and what about your minions?" I laugh, remembering that one time Ocean called Rain and Amahle his minions. It's all those hours of watching Despicable Me with his grandfather, my dad. I can not stop the tears of joy that escape my eyes as I look at my family. Minho is standing by the doorway, smiling at the scene also. He salutes me and walks out the room, giving us some family bonding time.

I silently thank God for giving me such a lovely family.


This is actually the last chapter before the epilogue. So next update is the epilogue and it will be quite long. But thanks for the support guys for real.

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