Chapter 10

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Zena is sleeping peacefully in my bed,  trying to recover from her puke feast.

We both just discovered that Indian food makes her sick. After her getting sick on the school premises, she asked me with embarrassment to take her to her apartment. Throughout the ride, she was nauseated.

I did not understand why she wanted me to take her to her apartment instead of a doctor. Although when I got there, I finally understood why she wanted me to take her there. Her crazy roommate is actually a doctor, who started working at a hospital 2 years ago.

Kiki is her name. A beautiful African girl, born in Egypt. She has beautiful dark chocolate brown skin and curly short black hair with dark brown eyes. She looks timid and shy until she opens her mouth. You wouldn't expect a short, tiny female to be so vulgar and crazy especially a doctor.

Well after a great deal of listening to the craziest conversation between Zenande and Kiki. I decided to not go back to work and take care off Zena. I mean it is the weekend anyway.

This is how she ended up back at my penthouse. I sit lazily in front of my laptop in my office, doing work. As I said I need help, I'm a serious workaholic.

I don't know why I didn't just let her stay at her apartment. It's not like she can't take care of herself. But after I discovered I'm the one that got her sick. I believe I need to take serious responsibility for it.

Or you just want to spend time with her.

I decide to ignore that thought as I get up from my office chair. Right at that moment, I hear a knock on my door. Rosie didn't come today, I gave her a day off.

Who would that be? I wanted peace and quiet. Not that anyone annoyed me today but I was just gloomy. You'd believe I have a stick up my ass.

I walk slowly to the door and I sigh before opening it. Shocked, I stare at Cory and Savannah. Looking at Savannah, you could tell she is pregnant.

She put on a bit of weight, she wasn't slender before, she was always chubby but now she looks extra. Ok maybe it is not the best way to describe it but she looked cute at least.

One thing I love about her was her strong accent. Even though she is here now, she hasn't lost her roots and accent.

They both stare at me with confusion. "Hi?" It sounded more like a question instead of a greeting.

"Why you being weird?" Cory asks, he frowns at me. "Have you forgotten tonight, our monthly dinners?" I mentally slap myself for forgetting that but I didn't realize it.

"Oh yeah right, I have forgotten completely. I'm sorry and hi Savannah." I hug her and I whisper in her ear, "Congratulations on your pregnancy." She giggles a bit.

Somehow I always manage to make her smile. "Thank you Wylder. You gonna be an Uncle." I smile also, letting them in my penthouse. I rub my hands together, trying to remove my nervousness. I haven't told any of my friends about Zena and I. Not that we have any emotional feelings for each other but we have a sexual relationship.

That is not something you hide from your freinds. To say I feel guilty is an understatement. "Today I'm making cottage pie. Since I'm the only female here." I chuckle, knowing that if Hannah was here, Savannah would still cook alone cause honestly, Hannah couldn't cook to save her life.

I close the door, noticing how I just dampened my own mood by thinking of her.

I sigh quietly, walking up to them as Cory gets himself settled on my couch. "Not gonna offer me beer mate?"

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