Chapter 15

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"Who is the baddest baby of them?" I say, shaking my 10 month old baby sister causing her giggle excitedly.

"You are, aren't you? Who is the coolest sibling ever? I am right. I have African flavour Baba neh. Angithi umuhle (Isn't you are cute)?" She giggles even more making me smile at her.

I always love visiting my dad especially when I get to play with Rose like this. Plus I love talking to my dad's wife, Lady. She is a beautiful Brazilian woman and I believe she is way out of dad's league. He knows that cause I always remind him.

Lady enters the kitchen tying her curly voluminous hair into a bun, her olive brown skin covered in sweat.

"Who did you chase down the street?" She gives me a look that powerfully says seriously.

"No Zen, I know I look like I can but I can't. I was fixing something. You know your father broke the A.C. and now our room is boiling hot." I shake my head while playing with Rose's feet.

"Was he trying to fix things?"

"What do you think?" The rhetorical question makes me chuckle. "Whatever dad tries to fix, it gets more damage. He is like a curse."

"I'm his wife and I can't even deny it at all. In fact he has enough money to redecorate the mansion and buy more mansions if he wants to but no he wants to DIY it all the way. Look now, I look like a panting sausage for all I know." I can't contain my smirk at her annoyance.

Dad always did that to people. "Anyway on a more serious note," She starts cooking what she has let defrost. "What's happening in your life?" Shrugging, I play with Rose's short curly brown hair while staring at her cute round baby face. One of her best features is her eyes, light beautiful sparkling grayish green eyes. We all know she got them from Lady.

"Nothing much, just life." She stops chopping and looks at me. "Don't kid me child. Who is he?" I freeze a bit at that.

"What do you mean?" I ask like as if I am clueless. "You look happier and more lively. It is either you are in a relationship or you just having some plain ass simple amazing sex."

I feel the colour drain from my face, is it that obvious that I'm having sex a lot now.

"Whaaat? Sex? S-E-X, is she not a bit too young to hear this stuff?" I ask without glancing at her. "Look at her, she is just a baby. She practically doesn't understand what I'm saying. So are you having sex or better yet, who is fucking you into oblivion?"

For sure now, my skin is crimson red because of Lady, she has no filter.

She has always been interested in my life, she always wanted a daughter, she has 5 sons with dad before Rose was born.

There is Ethan who is 17, Michael and Mitchell who are 16, Tyrique who is 11, Ruan who is 6 then finally Rose who is only months old.

Outside dad's marriage, there is me, Minho, David who is the oldest at 29, he is half white, then there is Derek who is half Indian and is 26 then finally Jason or as his mom calls him, Hayabusa is the youngest outside dad's marriage at 21 and is half Japanese.

I always love how on my dad's side of the family, we are so diverse and different yet we are so close. Not that I don't love my South African side, I also loved how I grew up then my half siblings on dad's side since I was raised by my mom and her husband. I always find it interesting how different my 2 families are and yet how everyone seems to get along with each other despite our very huge differences.

"It is just some random guy, you won't know him. We not dating or anything." This catches her attention.

"So it is just casual sex with a friend, that seems rather interesting, cause the last time I saw you this happy was when Mandla was still alive." As much as it stings whenever I hear his name, I know I need to learn to move on.

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