Chapter 30

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"I'm not going to your parents after that!" Zenande exclaims at me. "Come on, I mean we are all adults, we all have sex." She raises her hand to stop me.

"Babe, there is a difference between knowing and seeing the actual thing and your dad saw my actual naked body. That's embarrassing." She whispers the last part in trauma. We have been cooped up in our bedroom for the past 20 minutes. I've been trying to get Zenande out of the room to face my parents but she has been stubborn.

"Come on, it isn't that bad." I try to make her feel better but she shakes her head. "Wylder! When I reached my high, I was looking at them in the eye. We had eye contact. That is bad. And you're the son so you are in a safe zone anyway. When it comes to me, heh, that's another story."

"I understand how you feel, there should be equality in a relationship. So let's share the embarrassment together please." I won't lie, I am also traumatized about the turn of events. Don't people knock anymore? Or even call anymore? That was awkward, I feel my body shiver in disbelief. She glares at me at the equality part.

"I moaned at my mom, I literally moaned at my mom. That- that will stay with me for the rest of my life." I mutter more to myself and Zenande sighs, sitting behind me. "Fine let's go together and deal with the awkwardness." I smile, taking her hand and kissing it.

The funny thing is, we haven't said I love you to each other. But Marcus always said, sometimes actions are way more meaningful then words. We both get up, making sure we don't wake up little Ocean. We go to the family room, instead of the tv room because well... you know why.

When we enter the room, you can feel the awkwardness in the atmosphere. I see Hannah staring at Zenande and I with a strange expression. We sit next to each other, opposite everyone else.

"So uhm father, what brings you here?" My dad's eyes flicker between Zenande and I a bit before he clears his throat. "We wondered where were you for Christmas because you didn't come."

No pun intended. My dirty mind said to me. It took everything in my power not to laugh, "Oh ok. Well I was fine."

"Oh we can see what you were busy with yesterday and today?" Zenande's grip on my hand tightens a bit. I can tell it isn't because of embarrassment but it is because she is annoyed with my mom. "No it wasn't the only thing that we did." I hear mom gasp with shock, "Uhm we also went to Zenande's father mansion and I met her family. I mean it would be mean and rude of her meeting my family and I don't take the opportunity of meeting hers."

I can tell my father is slowly accepting her even if he won't admit it to my mom. "Ok then but you should have told us. And we are sorry to barge in like this. We just saw Hannah and we thought you too were back together." My mom adds and I feel my hand go numb as Zenande's grip tightens.

"But then she tells us that she left Ocean here with you and her to take to her parent's house. It is quite thoughtful of Hannah to do so." What is my mom trying to do here?

"Yeah it is, I just love how she left the baby irresponsibly." I close my eyes after Zenande says that. "Excuse me?!" Hannah exclaims after a second.

"Who are you to tell me how to take care of my child?" Zenande's grip loosens and she frowns.

"I'm not telling you how to take care of your baby, I'm just saying how you left the baby was irresponsible. Wylder didn't know what to do! If I wasn't there probably he would have called Florence from her family to help with the baby. That was just a selfish, self centered move from a grown ass woman, who wouldn't have told Wylder about the baby if she didn't see him in public." Zenande sighs and relaxes a bit. "Sorry that was way out of place, let me go make coffee."

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