Chapter 13

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After church, Minho leaves me by Wylder's place. I get out the car, before I could even walk any further Minho talks. "I still don't like this thing going on between you and that twat."

I sigh, turning around with sass. "I am an adult, I need this. It is not like as if we are doing anything bad." He raises his left eyebrow.

"Ok fine. Not that bad anyway. See you next weekend at dad's house." He rolls up the window.

"Fine get your heart broken Zenny." He angrily drives away, surprising me. So unlike Minho to act like this, I wonder why Wylder bothers him so much. I head into the building, seeing the familiar face of the doorman.

He smiles politely at me as I head to the elevator. When I enter into Wylder's penthouse, I realise Rosie is not here. "Wylder?" I shout out.

"Office." I sigh with annoyance as I head to his office. I find him typing away on his computer with a tired face, showing that he didn't sleep.

"Don't tell me you were working the whole time." He looks up at me and takes off his eye glasses. "Don't kill me at all."

I fold my arms, "This is a weekend for a reason. It is to relax man, not over working yourself." His eyes fall on my chest.

"I am a CEO of a world class company. My work is never done at all." I sigh, walking towards him then I stand behind him. I slowly massage him on his shoulder since he looks so tense.

"You need to learn how to have fun and relax." He closes his eyes briefly then he looks up at me with a smirk. "You know I couldn't sleep last night without you. I was just thinking about you and your body and your moans." He groans as he closes his eyes.

"You are addictive Zena." He gets up and pulls me closer. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck, "You look ugly and tired, go sleep and I might wake you up with a wake up blowjob." He widens his eyes.

"You have a weird sense of seduction." He frowns for a bit, "Surprisingly it is working." I giggle at his reaction as I stare into his beautiful light brown eyes. "But you also look tired as hell so join me in bed please." I nod.

I know this is just a sex agreement but damn, he is a real catch. He lifts me up bridal style and carries me to his bedroom. He makes us fall on the bed, immediately he shuts his eyes. So I get comfortable with my body wrapped around his then I fall into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up to a divine smell coming from the kitchen. At the same time my stomach growls, I look beside me to notice Wylder is nowhere to be seen. I get up from the bed, quickly looking at the bedroom mirror to check if I look fine. I look like a monster but I'm too lazy to fix myself.

I head to the kitchen to see Wylder, placing plates with macaroni and cheese with fish and it smells good. He turns around and jumps slightly. "You're awake, I wanted to wake you up with dinner in bed." I shake my head.

"When did Rosie come here to help you cook?" He gasps dramatically, placing his hand on the left side of his chest. "Why don't you believe I made this for you?"

I raise my eyebrows at him with a daring expression. His eyes dart away from mine, he finally gives in with a sigh. "I may not know how to cook to save the world but I can bake. That cake in the fridge is all me Zenny." I bite my lower lip trying to retain my laughter.

"What?" He frowns at me for a while, "You bake? I'm sorry. I just can't imagine you..." I trail off laughing in silence.

He turns red and sits down by his plate. "That is why I don't tell people that I bake, it is pretty nice." I smile for some time and I take a hold of his hand. He flinches abit but he doesn't move it.

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