Nightwing X Reader Part 1

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Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys! This chapter is a bit darker than usual, but I'll be keeping it PG for all those innocent souls. There are also mentions of blood, just a warning for all those squeamish people. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this chapter with the gorgeous Nightwing, one of my favourite Batboys!


Key: Y/N= Your Name

Your POV:

How could I have been so careless. The one minute I turn my back, and they find that the ideal opportunity to strike me unconscious.

Poor Nightwing, I promised him I'd meet him back at the Cave in time after patrol and go out for dinner with him, then watch the stars in the midnight sky after. Looks like I'll have some explaining to do and some dinner to buy to make up for standing him up.

Slowly, I come to, my entire aching body and throbbing head waking up from a short-lived slumber. As my blurry eyes fix themselves, I find both my arms chained up against a moist concrete wall, while my entire body is slumped down onto my knees which rest on the floor below. Luckily, I can still feel the mask around my eyes, continuing to conceal my identity. 

I heave a tired sigh of annoyance, extending it for effect. This isn't the first time I've been kidnapped, and I've been trained multiple times before on how to handle interrogation. Most likely, my captor wants information that I have, or I've been made a fool of and someone has only captured me to sell me because I'm a pretty face. Although I don't see the point when I'm wearing a mask to conceal myself. 

From outside, I can hear echoing footsteps approach my cell, stopping by the door before wrenching it open. Letting out a loud, metallic squeaking, the iron safe door opens to reveal the last person I expected to be kidnapped by. 

"Oh look who it is, my good old buddy Deathstroke. How have you been Slade?" I grin, using my cheeky side.

"It has been a while, hasn't it Y/N?" He smirks down at me, well, he's wearing a full face mask, but I can still tell he is. 

"Awww c'mon Slade, don't use my real name when your goons are around" I fake pout, peering my head around to see to armed guards by the door. 

"You haven't changed at all" He grumbles.

Looks like I'm getting no where with figuring out why he has me here, so let's speed up the process.

"Why kidnap me? Nightwing is the one you have an everlasting vendetta against" I question, although inside I'm glad it was me instead of him.

"Because I know how precious you are to him, and I think once I show your little super sidekick team who I've got as a guest, they'll change their mind and give me what I want" Clicking his fingers, a guard comes into the room holding a video camera.

Eyeing him wearily, he begins to start up the camera, but I continue my own little interrogation.

"And what exactly is it that you want?" I return my gaze to the towering form above me. 

"Full access to the Cave and it's utilities" He responds bluntly. 

"Why would you need that?" I push my luck for answers.

"You don't fool me, I know you're trying to figure me out by asking questions" He crosses his arms over his broad chest.

Well, looks like my attempts were futile, but I'm not going to give up yet, for the sake of my teammates and my boyfriend. Before I try to obtain more information, Slade starts talking again. 

Jeez, just shut up and wait your turn. 

"With the access to the Cave, I'll be able to login to the computer and uncover all the secrets and weaknesses of all the superheros that ever lived" He explains, elaborating from last time.

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