Robin X Reader (Dick Grayson)

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Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys! It's finally the holidays for me and the inspiration is once again flowing at last. Today's chapter is another request by FredAndGeorgeWeasly, thanks for the request! Another glorious opportunity to write about my beloved batboy can never be passed up, so I hope this chapter meets your expectations.

Please enjoy!

Key: Y/N=Your Name

Your POV:

You know that feeling? When you swear someone is following you, that inkling at the back of your mind that tells you to turn around yet you're too afraid to do so? And every time you dare to take a peek, there's nothing there, leaving you feeling as though you're going insane.

Well any normal person would feel so, but my case is a special one, because being a superhero requires me to be aware of these things.

Sure my first drawn conclusion would be to suspect my sneaky ninja boyfriend, him and his talent of being one of the select few to sneak up on me. After a few hours or so he would eventually get bored and scare me, but this is different. I'd know if this were my boyfriend and whoever is following me is not my boyfriend.

So I thought instead of playing the innocent and naive victim, instead I'll play their little game of cat and mouse.

After all, when the world's greatest detective is your boyfriend, you gotta know how to handle a stalker.

Now, to finally put my plan in motion I have to first identify my target without them knowing I've seen them first.

"Step one of Operation Stalker is a go" I mutter to myself, preparing to leave my house.

Walking briskly down the street, I remain as inconspicuous as possible, flicking my gaze over various objects and cars as I go to see exactly where the target is hiding. The first thing I notice is on of my neighbours garbage bins has been slightly disturbed. And believe me, my neighbour is the biggest neat freak, they would never let their bin be one inch out of its usual place.

"Bingo" I whisper, "Step one complete."

"Step 2, lead target on a wild goose chase."

This part is the fun part, running around the city with someone tiring themselves out trying to keep up. Frankly, it's hilarious to watch.

For over three hours my target/stalker miraculously manages to keep up with me. Which is a wonder considering the many times I walked into a different shop, talked with the sales people a lot, tried on some clothes and other products, spent forever deciding what to buy then ending up leaving empty handed, even at one point finding myself in a lingerie store...don't ask. But man, this stalker person has serious mentality to endure all my shopping endeavours for this long. I mean, one hour of this and I find Dick has run away to go back home.

Who knew shopping for a few hours could be someone's worst nightmare?

Which leads me to my next conclusion. Perhaps my stalker is a girl?

Anyway, I think Step 2 is almost complete. All that's left to do is send them down a dark alley and then get the drop on them. So I walk down a creepy alley, find a nice hiding spot, initiate my bat skills I've learned from Robin and wait.

Just like a moth into a spider's web, my stalker comes. When they're far enough down the alley, I jump scare them from behind and pin them down to the ground using self-defence techniques, also a courtesy of Robin.

"Step 3, interrogation" I breathe, "Ooo Robin would be so proud of me!" I victory dance with pride, probably looking slightly insane.

"W-what?!" They screech, stunned. Definitely a male.

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