Chapter 2. Searching The Halls

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It was pandemonium in the woman's locker room, Nikki and Brie jumping up and down shouting at each other and AJ wrapped around me, nearly in tears. I couldn't even hear myself think, never mind say anything to them. After a solid 5 minutes of this they seemed to have worn themselves out and they turned to me, waiting for my reaction.

"I wasn't expecting that." I admitted, raking my fingers over my hair.

"Why don't you seem that happy?" Brie questioned, and I grinned brightly, immediately throwing on a mask.

"I am, it's just you guys kind of freaked out there for a bit." I laughed, seeing Brie eyeing my and I turned away, "I just wanted to tell you guys first before you heard it from anyone else."

"Who else knows?" Nikki asked, sitting back down and I followed suit, crossing my leg over the other.

"As of right now, me, Seth, Roman and you three." I ticked off names, before remembering what Seth was doing, "Oh and whoever Seth is telling right now, I have no idea."

"How was it, was he nervous or excited?" AJ asked, curiosity and genuine interest in her voice.

Leaning on the armrest I began telling them the about Christmas morning and how I was on the phone with Roman, him being the first to know about the engagement. I told them about what he had said and how the stone on the ring was his grandmothers. As I told them about the story I felt a warmth throughout me, realizing how nervous Seth must have been and how much thought he had put into it. Being surrounded by his family and getting down in front of them to propose was something I couldn't imagine doing.

"Yeah I said yes." I concluded, seeing the lovestruck look on all of their faces.

"That's so sweet, and I can't believe he has a part of his grandmother in that ring. That's beautiful." Brie said softly, gazing down at her own ring.

"It was a very special moment that's for sure." I murmured, gazing down at mine, still shocking to see it sitting there.

"So have you seen Dean since then?" AJ asked, my lungs deciding to stop working in that moment.

"NO." I squeaked out, hiding my panic with a cough, "Seth and I were going to tell him together but I haven't seen him around yet."

"I saw him right before we walked in, he just got in the arena." Nikki informed me and suddenly my heart was jammed up in my throat, my pulse taking off at breakneck speed.

"Did he look okay?" I asked quickly, Nikki raising an eyebrow, "I mean like angry or..."

"He looked like normal Dean, a little crazy and a little calm. As normal as Dean gets." Nikki shrugged, and I stood up.

"I should go talk to him before he hears from anyone else." I decided, walking towards the door.

Nikki as always being the one who notices things came up to me at the door before I walked out, looking at me intently. I always felt like I could never hide anything from her, those caramel eyes seeing every little thing I was hiding.

"Are you worried about Dean?" she asked quietly, hitting the nail on the head.

"We had some trouble a few months between Seth, Dean and I and I'm not sure how he's going to react." I admitted, keeping the fight in Vegas between Dean and myself.

"Dean adores you Lila, I wouldn't worry too much about it." Nikki cooed, resting her hand on my arm, "Everyone can see how much he cares about you and your happiness and if this makes you happy then it'll be fine. Go find him."

Truth Comes Out (A WWE Fanfic) Book 3 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now