Chapter 29. Ghosts

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After what felt like the longest cry I have ever had I felt confident enough to step back, wiping the tears off my face. I could feel how swollen my eyes were and as I cracked them open I saw the mess of tears and mascara, and possibly drool, I had made on Dean's chest. Tugging my sleeve down I reached out, wiping it off and I was just about the open my mouth to apologize when he beat me to the punch.

"I don't wanna hear any more apologies out of your mouth tonight." Dean ordered, wiping his chest free of any residue, "You're not the first person to cry into my chest."

"Okay." I nodded, not having any energy left to argue.

Walking into the bathroom I took a few moments to compose myself, washing my face with cold water, removing the last of my makeup. Looking in the mirror I winced, the emotional damage showing through spectacularily. The bruise on my cheek had grown to beautiful shades of purple, blue, green and yellow, all bright against my pale skin. MY eyes were a dark, grey, swirling like storm clouds at all the emotions bubbling under the surface, and red rimmed to boot. MY eyelids were puffy as well, the purple circles underneath them a testament to how tired I really was. Fixing my hair as best as I could I knew this was as good as I was going to get for awhile and I walked back out, feeling as though my legs were a million pounds. Attempting to perk up just a little I forced a bounce in my step, looking over the boys.

"Everyone's in one piece more or less?" I questioned, seeing them look up, relief on their face at no tears.

"More or less." Roman nodded, glancing me over as well, "You?"

"Hanging on by a thread but still in one piece." I tried smiling, my lips wobbling for a second.

"Well I'll take that as a win in any case." Dean said casually, throwing his leather jacket on.

"Please tell me how that's a win." I shook my head, the slight amusement coloring my voice as I packed up my back, throwing my sweater on.

Roman and Dean followed me out of the room, shutting the door behind us. I was glad to be out of that locker room and more glad to be leaving this arena behind. I knew that I would never want to wrestle here again, the memory of what happened always going to be a painful reminder.

"Well the way I see it, they wanted us broken, split into pieces." Dean pointed out, coming up on my left.

"Well we came here four and now we're three." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Will you shut up for two seconds?" Dean huffed, my lips twitching slightly despite everything going on, "All I'm saying is they tried to break us and it didn't work. Battered and bruised but we aint broken."

"I'm with Dean on this one. We're still three." Roman chimed in, throwing a arm over my shoulder.

As we walked out of the arena we all slowed to a stop when we realized something we hadn't even thought about. The bus was parked across the lot but it was dark, as it usually was when we got off of work. It literally felt like the longest day in my life but seeing that bus sparked the anger that had been lying dormant under the sadness and betrayal. My chest was rising and falling in time with my heart as my adrenaline kicked in and without a second thought I bolted forward, running across the lot.

"Lila wait!" Roman shouted, but I didn't stop.

Making it to the bus I ripped the door open and ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Dropping my bag I raced for the back, not even turning on any lights and ripped open our door, flicking the light on. The doors and drawers were open in the room, all my clothes hanging neatly where I had left them but everything that was once Seth's in this room was gone. Hearing the boys clatter up the stairs I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me and locking it. I knew they were standing on the other side but I walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the empty spaces and I wanted to feel hurt but all I could feel was the anger. Getting up I moved to the door, opening it and seeing both of them turn to look at me and then around to see if he was there.

Truth Comes Out (A WWE Fanfic) Book 3 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now