Chapter 10. Explosion

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 The 5 of us were sitting around the table, my mother facing me from across it. My left hand was pushed into my lap, the other wrapped around my wine glass, attempting to stop myself from chugging it down. She had been surprisingly polite with Seth but I could see the judgment in her eyes, picking apart my fiancé with a single sweep of her eyes. We had ordered food and were now currently sitting around the table, waiting for the first person to break the silence. Picking up my glass I brought it to my lips, taking a mouthful, praying it would make the unbearable tension go away.

"Since when do you drink red?" Jax asked, finally breaking the silence and I threw him a grateful look.

"I usually don't but this isn't bad." I conceded, taking another sip.

"Surprising since I picked it." Grace announced, and it took every it of strength not to spit it back into the cup just to prove a point.

The only thing that stopped me from doing it was Seth's hand on my knee, squeezing slightly. Swallowing the wine, I set the glass down on the table, looking up and finding my mother staring at the two of us.

"So, we're here for a reason obviously." She began, motioning with her arm, a waft of her Chanel perfume sneaking across the table, "I'm assuming to celebrate October's relationship."

Ignoring the tone, she used I forced a smile, my back straighter then an iron pole as I stared her down.

"Yeah, it's been a few months and things finally worked out for us to have dinner and meet him." My dad said cheerfully, keeping the tone light.

"That's lovely. Why didn't we meet him at Christmas Rich?" she asked my father, deliberately ignoring me.

"Mom..." Jax said warningly.

"I didn't get a Christmas invite this year." I shot out, not able to help myself.

"Hmm, odd." She commented, making my jaw clench, Seth's hand squeezing my leg.

Closing my eyes, I pictured the bus, Roman sitting on the couch waiting for me and my heart rate slowed, and my breathing evening out. Opening them I decided I was done with games, tilting the glass back and draining the last bit of my wine. Setting it on the edge of the table, the waiter refilled it and I set it back on the table in it's spot. The food was served a short while later, the small talk between Seth, Jax and my father the only noise in the room. Seth ate most of his food, but I was stuck picking at the expensive dish, eating only a little bit. The food was good, but I couldn't force myself to eat anymore then a few bites. As the dishes were cleared and taken away Grace set her sights on Seth and I and I knew it was all going downhill from here.

"So, what are we doing here? Are you rubbing it in my face that you're dating one of those wrestling men you work with because I thought you were over being dramatic about that?" she asked, that condescending tone setting every nerve I had on edge.

"Oh, here we go..." Jax muttered, bringing his glass up and draining it.

"What are you even doing here? Pretty sure it was just supposed to be Dad and Jax." I shot back, leaning my elbow on the table purposely.

"I'm here because your father called me. Said something about you dating some man from that company." She commented, her perfectly polished fingernails tapping the wine glass.

"So, what, you came to judge? To sit there in your two-thousand-dollar suit and pass judgement on anyone who doesn't live up to your standards?" I questioned, seeing a muscle twitch in her eyebrow, "You know it must be real lonely at the top, Mother."

Truth Comes Out (A WWE Fanfic) Book 3 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now