Chapter II: A Friend?

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I don't know exactly what happened.

They were torturing me as a punishment for something I had done. I actually forgot what it was (no surprise. It all seemed pointless to me), but during the middle of it, they suddenly seemed afraid. So afraid that they stopped. I remember them saying something about my right eye. It... 'changed' or something.

That was when I blacked out. I couldn't tell if it was from the stress or if they had injected me with something, but I felt as if I was different... physically. I don't remember what happened, but I woke up somewhere that I thought I would be: an "alleyway...?" I barely mumble.

My voice was hoarse and my throat felt dry. My legs ached. It felt like I had been running. The marks, cut, and bruises littering my body didn't help. I felt soar. So soar, that it actually hurt too move, much less breath. My ribs hurt and each time I inhaled, it felt like I was being stopped in the lung. I needed to get my thoughts together.

'Where am I? How did I even get... here?'

I looked up and saw that the sky was black. My vision was blurry, but I could barely make out a few stars in the sky above. At least I think they were stars.

"Wow... how pretty." I mumbled to myself.

I'd never seen the stars before. From what mommy and daddy had told me, they looked just like beautiful diamonds dancing across a canvas of black and dark blue. It was night time and I had just woken up in a dark alley way, covered in blood and weak.

'But from what? Running?' I groan, letting my head roll to the side

I went with that answer as I realized my legs felt as heavy as lead. I needed food and water, but I also craved something else. I pushed that thought aside as I realized I smelt blood. I realized that it was my blood that I was smelling, but the scent it gave off was stronger than I remember. Then I realize that I couldn't really smell it before. Taste? Yes, but never smell.

Why would it smell stronger? I won't know for now, but I decided to wait until I heal completely before I didn't anything.

***Time skip 'cause I'm lazy***

It's been weeks? Or maybe just a few days. I can't tell, but I have been living the only way I knew how. I was stealing. Yes, I had stooped that low. I knew it was wrong but to be honest, I didn't really care at this point. Besides, I already knew that people wouldn't want to help a lost child like myself. I became a pick pocketer, and a dang good one at that. I would then use that money to buy whatever I could, instead of just stealing.

It was early morning and the street by the alley I now 'lived' in was pretty busy as usual. I spotted a young man, a couple years older than I. I smirked as I decided to try my luck with him. He had shaggy black hair and wore a long, grey winter coat. I made my way through the crowd and crept up behind him, reaching for his pocket.

'Ugh! I could practically smell the delicious food-' I felt my mouth begin to water before a hand grabbed mine.

I looked up, shocked that I had actually been caught. I was about to make a run for it before he smiled at me. It was a friendly, warm smile, not like the crazed ones that I was used to.

"If you wanted something, you could've just asked." he chuckles.

"I... I- I wasn't going to-" I stutter.

"Of course you were. Here, how about I buy you breakfast?" he smiles, letting go of my wrist and reaching into his pocket.

'Wait, was the guy I was just about to rob actually offering to buy me food?' I thought incredulously. 'Well, he seems serious. I guess that it wouldn't hurt. Besides, worst comes to worst I can throw a good punch... and I'm pretty good with knives.' I mentally assure myself, remembering all of the tedious training I went through to learn how to use the knives I trained with.

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