Chapter VII: "I passed!"

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               "L!" I shout, jumping to my feet and running towards him.

                He opens his arms just in time for me to fall into them. I breathe in his scent. 

              'He still smells like strawberries. '  I hum in appreciation. 

                We were quiet for a while before I felt him breathe in, running a finger through my (h/l) hair. 

               "I knew that it'd be you. I knew you could do it." He says, he voice quiet with a hint of... was it...pride? I look up at him in disbelief. 

               "What do you mean? I almost went crazy!" I say, my hands balling up some of his white shirt.

               "Yes, but that wasn't the point, you still were able to overcome that fear of going insane. You were able to see through what was right in front of you and decide what to do with what you had."

                I was at a lose for words, so instead of talking, I just hugged him once again. After another embrace, he pulled away and took my hand.

                "Come on, we need to get you cleaned up fed before you do anything else." He instructs.

                After leading me back to my dorm (with I can so ecstatic to see), I decided to take a shower while L sent Watari out to collect some food for us. 

                I grab a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt along with undergarments before heading to the shower. L decided to wait in my room but told me to take my time. I turned the shower on, the sound of the warm water hitting the sliding, glass door was hypnotic. I undressed and took a look in the mirror.  

                'Yep, defiantly lost weight.'  I didn't need a mirror to know that, though. 

                Black bags had formed under my eyes, which surprisingly seem brighter than they were before. Maybe it was from my gain of new knowledge, or my excitement in seeing L again.  

               As to be expected, my hair was a mess. I grab a brush on the sink counter and untangle all of the large knots before taking another look in the mirror. I smile as my reflection is erased by the steam from the hot water gathering on the mirror. Despite my appearance, I smiled. 

             'Guess that pep talk really worked,huh?' 

             I slide the glass panel open before stepping in, letting the warmth of the water overtake me. I let out a satisfied sound before taking a few minutes to myself, simply letting the water run over me.

                After what seemed like several minutes, I had felt as clean as I could be.  I turned off the water, grabbed a towel, and stepped out. I dried myself off and put on my clothes before grabbing a smaller towel for my hair. I took one last look in the mirror before noticing something I hadn't seen before. My shirt was a little tighter than I remember it being. I did lose weight because I wasn't eating, but some how, my chest had gotten bigger. I understand why, of course, I'm still growing, but why right now? 

              I blush quietly and look away from the mirror, opening the door and stepping out.

             L sat on my bed, a platter of sweets in front of him. Watari pushed a cart full of sweets into the room. My eyes widen at the sight. I grab a plate and fill it up with sweets, and the some fruit.

             I sit across from L as Watari stands by L's side. L starts up a conversation. It went from asking me how I was feeling to what L was currently doing. Apparently he had just finished another case. We laugh for a minute at a comment that L had made, it even made Watari chuckle before L spoke again.

             "Karma, do you know how long you were in that room?" he asks. 

           I swallow what's in my mouth before answering. "Seven months?" I guess, remembering what everyone told me, before eating a few more bites of cake. 

          "Nine." L corrects. I almost choke.

         "What, wait, why nine?" My voice raises. 

          "You should be proud. You made it longer than everyone else, and your result was better as well."

           I was quiet for a moment and Watari whispers something into L's ear. 

         "Ah, yes." he says as if remembering something. 

        "Karma, would you like to see Matt, Near, and Mello again?"


          I run across the green, grassy field that I remember so well. I run at full speed towards them. I can just make out their hair, white, blonde, and brown. I guess that Mello could hear my foot steps, or maybe it was my labored breathing, but he sat up as I come closer. 

          "Karma?" he mumbles, making Matt jump up and Near lift his head from his pack of dominoes. 

          "Karma!" he exclaims as I come into view. 

          "Mello!" I shout back. 

          He began to run towards me and as soon as I reached him, he pulled me into tight hug. 

        ' Yep, he still smells like chocolate.' I giggle again at the thought. 

          He picks me up and swings me around before putting me down. I laugh as he does this, glad that he seems just as happy as I am. Right as I think I have my balance, I feel another pair of arms wrap around me and I and I'm lifted into the air once more.

          I turn to see Matt, smiling like an idiot, Near right beside him. I have to admit, Mello and Matt I did expect, but I was shock when even Near wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back of course and before letting go, I saw him give me a small smile.

         We all stared laughing for quiet awhile before Mello spoke. 

        "You were gone for nine months. We thought we'd lost you." he says, tilting his head downwards. 

          "Look, I know that it was a long time, even I didn't think it was nine months, but I'm hear now and I passed."  

            Mello seemed to relax at my words, as did Matt. 

           "Yes, and you seem to have lasted longer than anyone else. It's a good thing that you're our friend because it looks like we're tied to be L's successors." Near states with a playful smirk. 

          "Of course." I smirk back. 

          "So, how 'bout a rematch?" Matt asks. I turn to him, smirking before answering. 

          "Alright, but why you want to get your butt kicked so badly doesn't make sense to me." Mello laughs and Near chuckles before Matt decides to make the first move.

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