Chapter XVI: Juuzou's Jason

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     The next morning I was woken up by my alarm clock like I was supposed to be. I roll over to turn it off before I hear a groan from beside me. 

      "Five more minutes." He groans again, eyes still closed. 

     I giggle before turning around to observe him. He was on his side, somewhat still facing me. He had taken out his bobby pins the night before, something that I hadn't noticed last night, letting his hair face into his face. 

      He laid there, quietly until I decided to get him up. For some reason I was in a very good mood this morning. It was almost as if we had switched personalities. I raise my hand to his face before lightly trailing my finger down his nose. He smiles slightly but other than that he remain still. I retract my hand and try another approach. 

     I gently brush some of his hair our of his face before lightly poking his cheek. He doesn't move. He doesn't even smile. I frown slightly at the lack of a reaction before trying again. And again. And again. Finally I decide to try so one last time and right before I touch him, he turns his head slightly, gently biting my finger. 

     I pull my hand away, shocked by his action and he opens his red orbs, smiling childishly and giggling at my reaction. I begin to blush, looking down at him. He sits up on his knees, resting on his heels, facing me.

      "Boop." he says, poking the tip of my nose before he gets out of bed and leave me to get changed. 

     'I'll never get that kid.' I shake my head before making the bed and deciding on taking a quick shower since I didn't do so last night.


     As we leave the apartment, Juuzou begins to hum another random tune. As we walk down the side walk, he loves a little closer to me. I feel him almost cautiously take my hand in his as if he was unsure of my reaction. I reassure him by properly grabbing his in mine and intertwining our fingers.

      Juuzou and I then take our usual path to work, a giddy smile on his face as a content one rests on mine. We walk past people preparing for work and on the way, I notice something I've seen before, but hasn't really registered in my mind. Anteiku was right around the corner from where I lived.

      'Well, that's convenient.'

     As we pass the coffeeshop on the other side of the street, I see a familiar face walk down the stairs, and turns on the sign outside of the door, opening café for the day. Touka looks up and spots me. She smiles gently before waving at me. I wave back before she turns and walks back into the café. 

     "Who was that?" Juuzou asks, as he adjusts his grip on my hand.

      "Oh, that was-"

      'Should I tell him her name? What if something like that helps them figure out that Anteiku isn't a normal coffeeshop and that Touka's a ghoul?' 

     "That was the café that I stopped by last night, and that was the girl that gave me coffee." 

     'Nailed it!' 

     "Oh." Juuzou says. "Well then, maybe we could go there and see her soon." He says excitedly. I nob before I see the CCG's head quarters come into view.

      We arrive at our desks to see they've been completely cleared off. Just as I'm about to ask where everything went, Shinohara walks into the room. 

     "There you two are. Just so you know, we took care of everything that was on your desks. I can't blame ya for getting stressed out, that took a hell of a long time to finish. " He sighs, wiping the nonexistent sweat from off of his forehead. 

     "Thank you, sir." I say giving him a small, two finger salut. 

   "It was nothing." Seidou says, appearing behind Shinohara with another woman. She had short blonde hair, and blue-green eyes. I remember meeting her a little while ago, but it's been a little while since I've seen her due to missions and my two days off.

      "Hey, Akira." I say, giving her a closed eyed smile. The corners of her lips turn up before she wishes me a good morning before doing the same to Stitches. 

     "Well, Juuzou, we have a surprise for you." She says, glancing between him and Shinohara. 

     "Yes we do." Shinohara says before signaling for Juuzou and I to follow him.

      "Ooh, yay! What is it?!" Juuzou asks, eyes wide with estate energy. 

     "Well, you'll see."


     We follow Shinohara-san down a couple of hallways to a room that I knew pretty well: the quinque lab. I wasn't sure if Juuzou knew exactly where we were headed, but I could feel his energy level rise as we got closer. His excitement reached its peak as Shinohara stopped in front of a metal door. He opens it and let's us in. Once inside, Juuzou runs over to the large, glass window that overlooked the lab below.

      "Wow! It's s big." Juuzou states. I chuckle at his childlike state. 

     'He looks like L in a candy store.'  I chuckle to myself. 

     A door to my left is opened and a man with a black bowl cut, bangs covering his eyes, steps out. 

    "Ah, Shinohara! Nice to see you again." He greets him, shaking Shinohara's hand. 

     "You too, investigator (y/n)." He then shakes mine before turning to Juuzou. So are you ready to see what we have in store?"

     He leads us down into the lab and we pass row after row of quinque steel. Dang, that stuff really was tough, and heavier than it looked. Finally we arrive at a table covered with a white sheet. 

     "Sorry it took so long, but I think you'll like the finished product." the man said before letting Juuzou step forward and pull off the sheet. 

     I watch as it falls to the floor. Juuzou slowly grabs the scythe and lifts it off the table and I take a moment to memorize it's pattern. It looked a lot like mine, design wise besides his blade being jagged to that of a lightening bolt. The blade itself was purple and at the top of the long handle hung three strings. Towards the back of the blade, by the handle, there were black roman numerals, and the number they made? 13. How perfect. Juuzou stares at the quinque in silence for a few moments before picking it up and spinning it between the fingers of his right hand.

      'Uh-oh, this won't end well.'

       As if he read my mind, Juuzou sends a small smirk my way before taking it in both hands and charging at one of the large blocks of quinque metal in front of us. My eyes widen slightly as I register what he's about to do and before I know it, a loud sound rings through the air, grabbing the full attention of the other two men with us.


     "What the hell was that for?" the scientist asks. 

     "I was testing it's sharpness." Juuzou responds with a smile and a crazed look in his eyes. 

     "But-but, that was the metal we use for the quinques! Do you even know how much that'll cost to-" I roll my eyes as the man continues to scold my partner.

      "Mr. Shinohara, am I aloud to give it a name?" Juuzou asks, completely ignoring the panicking scientist.

     "Hmm? Well, I don't see why not."

     Juuzou chuckles. "Well then, I want to name it Juuzou's Jason! "

     He exclaims with a prideful glint in his eyes. 

     'Okay, we just gave the cinnamon roll a scythe. Nothing wrong there, right? Because if that's wrong, just wait till I get to us mine.'

Juuzou x Reader (Tokyo Ghoul/Death Note Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now