Chapter XIX: Yomo

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       The next day I prepare to leave to Anteiku, but not before grabbing a few of my trusty knives. Without Juuzou knowing, of course. Lord knows what he'd do if he found out that I was taking combat knives to a café. I'm about to leave, but a soft hand grabs mine, making me turn and face the owner. 

     "Yes, Stitches?" I say, tilting my head to look at him. 

     "Where're you going? It's still pretty early." 

    "Yeah, but I'm going back to the café. They said they'd need me today." Still not a lie though, right?

     "(y/n)~" he whines, stretching out each letter before encasing me in his arms, hugging me tightly. 

     "Please don't go. It was sooooo boring yesterday without you.~ I almost died." He said, letting out a dramatic sigh. 

     "Oh, you poor thing." I say coo playfully, rolling my eyes before kissing the tip of his nose. 

     "Don't worry. Yesterday was busy, but I'll try to be home earlier today, okay?" I say, smiling at my childish partner.

     "Promise~?" he says, his eyes wide a saucers. 

    " I promise." I reassure him.

     "Yay!" he says, jumping up and down. I chuckle before he looks at me again with a slightly more serious look.

      "Then, when you come home, I can stitch you!" he says, grabbing my wrist before tracing patterns on it with his finger.

      "I already have a couple of ideas." he mumbles, more to himself than me. I nod before pulling him in for a kiss, wrapping my arms around him neck. He kisses back before pulling away with a goofy grin. 

     "Bring home something from the café if you can, kay (y/n)-chan!" 

    "If I must." I groan playfully before turning towards the door.

     Juuzou was supposed to go out with Shinohara-san today, so I'm not as worried about him being alone as he is. But I'll still come back early either way. Now, onto Anteiku.

     Upon my arrival, Yoshimura introduced me to a tall, muscular man with white hair and grey eyes. He was dressed all in dark colors from head to toe. 

    "Well,(y/n), this is-" Yoshimura starts.

   "Yomo~ Nice to meet 'cha! " I say, extending my hand for the man to shake. He did so, replying with a small grunt before leading me into a couple of alleys behind Anteiku. 

    'Just casually leading a young lady that he just met down a few dark alleys. Yup, noting special here.' I joke internally, smirking. 

     Yomo stops once we reach a large area surrounded with large, concrete pillars. The perfect place to train. As we get closer to one of the pillars, I could make out the face of a familiar figure.  

    "Kaneki!" I wave at the boy. He looks up at me before waving back as well. 

     We worked pretty well together yesterday. He seemed nice and quiet, but he didn't say too much to me.

     "Well at least you're here. I thought I'd be alone down here." Kaneki says, walking toward me. 

     I smile before greeting him as Yomo drops his coat to the floor. 

     "Today Yoshimura asked me to see how well you two can defend yourselves since you're both in similar situations. 

     "Wait!" Kaneki interrupts. " You're a one-eyed ghoul too?" Kaneki says in surprise. 

    "Pretty much." I say, side glancing him. 

     Yomo got into a fighting stance before I realized what he meant to do. He meant to test our fighting abilities. Well, Kaneki didn't seem to understand that. I saw Yomo lunge at Kaneki, attempting to fight him first. Kaneki wasn't ready for that, and both Yomo and I could see that. I decide to make a last minute decision since it's been a long time since I've fought. Not t mention that I was becoming impatient. I jumped in front of Yomo and blocked his oncoming attack.

     Both males seemed shocked at first, but Yomo's attacks neither slowed, nor did they stop. After a few minutes of attacking and blocking Yomo, I was able to land a couple of good blows. Once we stopped, Yomo looked down at me. 

      "Well, you obviously have previous experience. And one hell of a teacher at that." I nod before bending slightly at the waist.

      "Yup! You didn't actually think that just because I was a girl I wouldn't have a way of protecting myself?"

      It was true, I could tell that Yomo didn't expect me to be able to defend myself at all, much less have such a powerful comeback. But, I guess that that was the upside of begin a young girl that's able to blend in with a crowd when needed. 

      After watching Yomo practically punch a hole through Kaneki, it was clear that he had no prior experience fighting. The fights between us went on, hour after hour before Kaneki decided that he had had enough and made his way home. I almost felt bad for him, seeing as how he was practically helpless against Yomo and me today, but he won't be like this forever... right?

     It was getting late, so I decided to leave for home as well. 

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